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Okay! Okay!
Here we go!!!
Chapter 3, on the run,


okay, you'll have to wait for awhile to get to that part though :)

Anyways, continuing on;


–––The Story–––


The passing days faded into a week and a half. Everyday Dream thought you how to fight and surprisingly enough you've gotten better and better the more you kept practicing on your one a d in the training sessions. Dream had even switched swords, from wooden to stone and from stone to iron. And even if you kept on practicing everyday, you still could not believe how fast you were getting better.

After you slept few days on the couch, Dream was able to finally build you your own bedroom upstairs. He and placed a bed, desk, chair and a closet –even if you didn't have many clothes to need a closet but just a drawer–.

Over time you've also noticed Dream's sudden disappearances from the house out of nowhere. It's either a few hours or half the day that he vanishes.
You asked him about it but he simply answered that he had some "business" going on, what ever that is, and then he never told you anything else.

It was odd that he wouldn't tell you anything and you had a bad feeling about it but you let him have his privacy.

One day Dream didn't disappear this time, unlike the past week. Instead he said that today is the day you can finally get to meet his friends he often talks about, George and Sapnap.

Now that you think about it, maybe that's why he has been vanishing out of thin air in the past week, and thinking of that you got excited.

“ When shall we go? ”
You impatiently asked Dream, who had just finished lunch and you were just there glooming over behind him while he sat on the couch, you just waiting there for an answer. Dream chuckled at your excitement and impatience while leaning back against the couch and looked up at you,

Right now. You think you're ready? ”
As a response you nodded violently, making Dream chuckle once more before getting up and grabbing his plate, leaving it in the sink for him to clean when the two of you get back from the visit.

Dream opened the door for you to zoom right out of it as Dream followed, shutting the door behind him.

You remembered the tower you saw before, and assuming that was the place, you take a step towards the direction of the tower. But before you can even place your foot into the ground Dream grabs you by the hood and turns you the other way and let's go, begining on his walk.

Huh? Why was Dream going to other direction? This caught to your mind as you started to wonder. You wanted to ask Dream about it as you followed him behind.

“  ... ”
You really wanted to ask, but in the end you only gazed back for a brief moment, wondering when Dream will turn the other way but he never did. And this behaviour of yours caught Dream's attention.

Knowing what you were thinking, Dream answered calmly to the current question which was lingering on your mind,
“ Why shouldn't we go the other way? In that direction is L'Manburgians. It would be dangerous for the both of us. ”

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2023 ⏰

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