MK Headcanons

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-MK is 24, which is a similar age to Mei's non-canon age as stated in the Pokemon trainer cards made by Ashe Jacobson, somweone who is parrt if the lmk team.

-MK suffers from ADHD, PTSD, and high Anxiety, the latter being due to his events during his trials with Wukong. He also has a low amount of social anxiety too, which has been around prior.

-To add to this, one of his biggest triggers, which is even hinted at in the show, is mentions of the Lady Bone Demon.

-Mk's PTSD can also lead to rather depressive episodes, which renders him avoidant and difficult to talk to without any aggression or rising stress getting in the way. He believes that these issues are just another reason why the Lady Bone Demon was right that the path he goes down is a painfull one.

-He sees Red Son as a bit of a joke, and has since season 3, but still respects him as once a rival now friend.

-MK is Biromantic and Asexual

-he has an EXTREME love for pop music, and it helps cheer him up, especially during Depressive episodes.

-Although these two aren't pop songs, his favorite songs are Waving through a window and hand of god. they're comfort songs to him.

-MK gets defensive of the fact that Wukong is seen as his father, and although he's now aware that he's related to Wukong, he sees it as an ancestor relationship.

-Another reason he doesn't feel like Wukong is his father is because of Pigsy being the first face he saw and that Pigsy even sees MK as his son canonically.

-Despite this, MK feels like his connection with Pigsy is confusing and complex. It is a fatherly connection, but it always simply felt like a very strong mutual connection.

-MK loves to write stories, which normally are action packed and are like a combi partner to his love for drawing. Most of these stories are either about his friends, or characters he makes on his own and has evendrawn. A lot of these charcaters are cionnected to his life, and even has made characters based on his heavy experiences. Surperisingly, doing so acts as an outlet,a nd really makes him feels better since he has an attachment to them.

-Of course, MK Draws these characters with crayons, is pretty good at designing them too.

-his favorite drink is psrite, but he also loves tea of most kind. He's not excatly picky about it.

-Oddly enough, he can get pretty picky upon plenty of other things, and has a bit of trouble making descisions.

-He loves to play fighting games and platformers and unironically hates RPGS

-As a kid, MK was pretty timid and shy. He also had a hard time learning and paying attention due to his ADHD.

-He likes stargazing at night either alone or with friends

-He is OBSESSED with DC comic books, yet has never collected any though claiming he wants to a lot.

-He used to own a Tech-Deck/Finger board, but lost it carelessly at a park one time.

-MK is food motivated, and the Monkie kids have bribed him food before, it'll only work when he feels, if not, isn't under pressure. Fortunately for him, he can barelly tell if he's pressured unless he's extremely upset. If he's just a little bit anxious, it'll work.

-To add to this headcanon, Comfort food like noodles or ice cream will work in latter situations and sometimes second to latter situations. Those situations are very rare though, and hell usually refuse to eat for the day.

-He loves soda, carrying one around normally at work, but doesn't tend to favor any. If it's simply a soda, its fair game.

-He plays games like terraria, minecraft and ROBLOX (Specifically Sandbox (2) or Obby Creator) wquite  alot. The latter of the trio he'll play almost the whole day. He even has Mei and Sandy play with him. Sometimes he'll get Red Son to unwillingly play.

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