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Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head
Season 2, Episode 1

Tori glared at Derek, Addison and the other man from her spot in the lobby. The redhead tried to run her fingers through Derek's hair but he moved back and Tori scoffed, "Before we leave, I should punch him again. For two months he lied to Mer." She told Jordan

Jordan shook his head, "Tori, you're 20 weeks pregnant. You need to take it easy and you've already punched him once."

"He deserved it." Ariel said in defense of her mother and then the little girl raised her voice, "He didn't tell Auntie Mer about being married and Mommy says lying is bad."

Derek, Addison and the other man looked over at them. Tori flicked them off while Ariel gave them a smug look. The neurosurgeon took this as his cue to move closer to his girlfriend's sister.

"And now you have a girlfriend in Seattle. She seems sweet." Addison said as she followed Derek

Derek shot her a look from over his shoulder, "The ice you're on. Thin."

As the trio came to a stop in front of Tori, Ariel and Jordan, Addison kept going, "She's young. That whole wide-eyed, ooh he's-a-brain-surgeon thing happening, but still sweet. Which was what you were going for, right? The anti-Addison?"

Derek didn't give her an answer, instead he looked pleadingly at Tori, "Tori, I-"

Tori scoffed, "Are you seriously coming over her to tell me you're sorry?" She asked, "See for two months, you have neglected to mention to Meredith that you're married-"

"Separated." Derek interrupted

"Doesn't matter, dude." Jordan spoke up

Tori nodded along with Jordan, "Separated, whatever. You still failed to mention it. You could have told her when you mentioned your sisters and your nieces and nephews or really at anytime."

The redheaded man with Addison and Derek chuckled, which brought the attention to him. He smiled, "Oh, I'm Alaric, Addison's twin brother." He said sticking his hand out

Jordan took his hand, "Jordan Buchanan. This is Victoria and Ariel Grey." He introduced himself and pointed out each Grey

Addison remembered something, "You're the the one Richard wanted me to look over during my visit. He said you didn't find out you were pregnant until 17 weeks?"

Tori gave her a curt nod, "Yeah. I didn't show any symptoms except weight gain which I thought was due to stress and my roommate's cooking. I haven't had any ultrasounds since my appointment isn't until Wednesday." She said before leaving with Ariel and Jordan


The next morning, after Ariel was dropped off at school, Tori was in the locker room next to Alex.

"So you're the original Syph boy?" Tori asked

Alex shot Tori a look, "Not you too." He groaned

The pregnant woman held her hands up, "Don't take that tone with me, Alex. You know I'll usually be on your side, especially if the other choice is George or Izzie."

The Karev man just looked at the youngest intern, "I was sleeping with your friend, nurse Olivia, when she and O'Malley started going out." He explained

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