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"You're really infuriating, you know? Like a little kid." You say as you stuff your face with cotton candy. Riki reaches over and grabs a piece of your cotton candy to eat as if it'll have a different flavour from his. You shoot him a well earned glare. No one steals your food, especially not him. Riki sneers and eats the stolen cotton candy with a proud look on his face. "Did you know that you're really dumb? Soo annoying." He rolls his eyes. "The way you exist really gets on my nerves."

"Oh really? The way you exist really gets on my nerves too! I just despise talking to you!"

"You're talking to me right now."

"I was forced to."

Riki leans close to you. "Our managers aren't here, genius." You make a face and lean away. "Get away from me."

"Gladly!" He scooches to the other end of the bench and eats his cotton candy quietly. You sigh and take out your phone to discover a text from Felice.


manager <3
You two aren't fighting, right? The
entire point of this is that you get along!


not at all

"manager <3" is typing...

manager <3

"Felice says that the entire point of this is that we get along."

"Felice?" Riki looks up from his cotton candy.

"My manager."

"Right. Tell your manager that we're getting along."

"I did, and we're literally not."

"It's good enough." He stuffs the rest of his cotton candy in his mouth and tosses the paper cone into a nearby trash can. "Let's get some more food."


"Ohh, I'm so full." You brush your hair away from your face and splay your arms across the same picnic table you'd been standing on some time earlier.

"Let's go on some rides!" Riki pulls your arm.

"Do you really think that's a good idea after we ate?"

"Absolutely." He comes around to your side and drags you up. You whine, waving your arms. "Let gooo."

"Noo, come on."

You relent and get up on wobbly legs. "But i'm too full."

"Too bad!" He grins.

"I'll throw up."

"Too bad~" Riki sings.

You huff and cross your arms over your chest as he drags you along by the elbow. As you near the rides, he speaks quietly, "We can walk around for a while so you can digest."

"Thank you." You mumble.

"Dang, you have manners? Crazy."

"Shut up."

When the two of you stop for him to play some shooting darts carnival games, you hear some whispering nearby. You're leaning against the booth table beside him, watching him shoot and miss, but turn in the direction of the whispering girls. One of the girls shrieks slightly when you make eye contact with her, causing you to smile. You wave politely and her friend gently pushes her towards you. "Uh-" She squeaks. You both glanced at Riki quickly but he's too focused on trying to not miss.

lavender; nishimura rikiWhere stories live. Discover now