Eugenes' house

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Eugene opens the door, "move" I say pushing him out of the way. "What the fuck happened to Enid?!" He asked while closing the door "she bit my father and beat herself up because of it", I say while I remember what my father did. "Hey, what's that bruise on your face?", Eugene said moving my bangs out of the way to get a better look. I forgot, father punched me in the face, "it doesn't matter ok?", I say pushing his hand away, "Enid is hurt, that's the only thing I care about right now", I said looking at Enid that was still unconscious. "Well did you check her pulse?" "No didn't I just saw her bleeding out and I didn't check", I said sarcastically, "are you stupid what if she's-" "yes I checked her pulse Eugene" I said frustrated, "I'll clean up enid", I said gently picking her up, "do you need help-" "she's my girlfriend Eugene, I've taken care of her before", I say walking to the bathroom with Enid in my arms. I Locked the bathroom door and set Enid down on the floor. I take the blanket off her, I completely forgot she doesn't have clothes on. I get a wet rag and wipe off all the blood, then I get rubbing alcohol and clean all the cuts, while im putting bandages on the cuts, I realize Enid has scars on her wrists and thighs. They looked almost self inflicted, i gently grab Enid's arm and examine the scars. Enid pulls away, "you're awake, how do you feel" I say while putting a bandage on the last cuts "my whole body hurts" "I figure", there was a moment of silence, "so you saw the scars?", Enid asked quitely, "yeah. did you do it on purpose?", I ask. Enid nods, "why don't you get me some clothes?", Enid said trying to change the subject. I nod and give her a baggy shirt and some shorts Eugenes' mom gave me. Enid got dressed while I cleaned up all of the blood off the floor. "How's your head", Enid said. I gulp as I hold back tears, "it's just bruised, I'll be ok", I said looking at my hands as i fidgeted with them. Enid slips while putting on the shorts and falls, but I catch her. Her lips are almost touching mine, I look at her lips then back at her eyes. "Wednesday don't even think about it" "think about what?", I say knowingly. "Fucking me in Eugenes bathroom", Enid whispers. "Luckily for you I was thinking about homicide", I say helping Enid stand up straight. I kiss Enid, Eugene barges in, "Wednesday don't freak out, but the cops are here", Eugene said panicked. "What?!", Enid said panicked. The police barge in and arrest me, Enid kisses me good bye like last time and I go away in a police car.

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