The tutor

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"Mom I don't want a tutor"Larry whined "To bad Larry I told you if you didn't get your grades up I would get you a tutor "*knock knock knock*"and that's him now open the door" Larry walked over to the door and opened it to see Travis wearing a plain white shirt with black ripped jeans and his natural hair -A/n hc:he has kinda curly and fluffy hair so if you don't like it idc- "you're fired "he said with a smile "LARRY JAMES JOHNSON!" He sighed and opened the door and stepped aside so Travis can come in, Travis stepped Inside "ok I'll be back at 6 boys " "no you're not leaving me here with Mr 'religious' for 6 hours" "to bad already gone" 'UGH!...sit down " Travis listened and sat down then Larry sat down next to him "so are you actually going to make me do this " " I mean yeah it's my job I also do babysitting and I work at the restaurant down the street but I'll give you a choice we only have to do 2 hours of tutoring so do you want to do it now or later " "that depends will I have to spend the rest of the hours with you" "I mean regardless yeah" "later" Larry turned on the TV "wanna watch a movie???" "Sure"
-time skip to the middle of the movie-
Travis and Larry didn't notice it but they were scooting closer to each other until there knees and elbows were touching the both looked at each other and started leaning closer and closer to each other until their lips touched first Larry kissed him then Travis kissed back they pulled back and looked and each other and the kissed again they start making out and Travis's hand was in Larry's hair and Larry's hand was on Travis's waist he pulled Travis onto his lap then Sal,Ash and Todd came in  sal:"hey Larry wanna-woah was not
expecting that"
Ash and sal gave Todd $25 Todd:"And that 50 thanks for being gay we'll leave you to it " they all walked out and they went back to making out Travis's hand never left Larry's hair and Larry's hand never left his waist

-A/N so basically sorry I haven't been writing I've been busy with exams and this idea has been in my mind a lot so :D-

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2023 ⏰

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