We'll do this together

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Okay?! So we know the plan? Asked Olympia. Yep! Now can we please go? Whined Sabrina. Yeah K. Replied Saskia. So the 3 girls walked up to the bully (Maya) and they used there plan to fight back against the 8th grade bully. (They are in year 7). Hey you there! Yelled Sabrina. (This bit may be a bit weird) I didn't like the way you were talking to me back there. Then Sabrina said nice, soft and quiet, 'You, you just cant keep being rude to people, and yeah i know you older than us, but thats only by one year, and, that still doesn't give you the right to be a bully. No ones ever confronted me like that, you lil' whimps...! I guess you got some courage, don't ya?
I guess? Replied Sabrina in a shaky voice.
Then Maya walked closer to Sabrina frowning, and Sabrina walked backward until she hit the back of the gymnasium wall from the outside.
I like that! Said Maya smiling. What? Replied Olympia in a shrieky voice.
I hope we can all be friends! Said Maya to all the girls.
Then the 3 girls all looked at each other in a shock, confused and worried face.

Olympia and SaskiaHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin