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She sounds like a cat stuck in a taco,screaming for help.Shes rachet and shes really ugly like her mommy,shes not smart and shes still in kindergarden and shes a grown up.When ever she goes out in public,she farts really loud and then she tries to eat her farts.She also walks around and tries to slap people named Kai.But,then Kai always has his shot gun ready and his ninja sword.Falisha is bot going to do anything about it because she loves the sound of the shot gun.She has many bullet wounds.She passes out offten for no reason.Sometimes,Falisha goes to the monkey cages.They thow poop at her and she eats it.She asks Kai.to marry her all the time.Even though she has a boyfiend named Quirkey.Quirkey the model.He models gloves.Quirkey is also her cat.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2015 ⏰

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