Chp 20

378 15 0

Magnus knows that he had made himself fall in danger. He was fully stripped, sitting on the bed waiting patiently for Alec. He still sees the handcuffs lying in front of him on the bed but is not bothered to pick them up and put them in the right place because he knows that it's needed tonight.

Then right after he heard the door squeak open and close. He to look into that direction to see Alec taking off his shirt. His perfect abs shimmered in the dim light of the room. Magnus was so into those abs that he didn't even heard the loud clicking of Alec's tongue.

Alec : pathetic

He jerked out from his thoughts and looked right into Alec's eyes.

Alec : first you disobey me, second you challenge me and third when it's just your challenge, you drool over me?

Magnus didn't found words to answer. So he just gazed down.

Alec : you know what Magnus

Alec said while approaching the bed

Alec : I'll tell you for the last time that don't do stupid things that makes me open up my sex life to anyone

Magnus still searched for words gazing down. So Alec grabbed his face harshly and turned them up to face him. Magnus' eyes were wide as he didn't even get to react to this sudden behaviour.

Alec : do you get it?

Alec's pointed eyes were piercing through his soul and suddenly he felt the sudden need to blush furiously.

Alec : oh look, who's blushing

Magnus gulped. He didn't think he'll see so much lust behind Alec's blue and big eyes.

Alec released his grip on Magnus' neck and grabbed his belt. Magnus' eyes widened more. He wasn't gonna do that? W-was he?
Alec approached the bed and sat on it. He grabbed both Magnus' hands quitely and handcuffed them to the headboard. Magnus didn't object. He knew his whining won't work.

Alec handcuffed him keeping his belly and face down to the sheets. Magnus whimpered when his hands were being restrained by the handcuffs so je couldn't move them. Not even to do magic. And he will not dare to do that because if he does that, Alec must be more angry.

His eyes shut close when he felt Alec soothingly rub his ass.

Alec : so, you are gonna take whatever I give, okay?

Magnus : y-yes

Alec took his hand off Magnus and raised his belt up in the air ready to spank him on the ass.

Alec : you're so in trouble

Magnus : you're talking so much but doing nothing. Are you even gonna do anything-

The belt came across Magnus' ass cheek resulting in a slap sound and Magnus changed his hands into fists and cried out.

Alec : you don't talk like that Magnus

Alec said making his way to the closet.

Magnus : talk talk talk. That's all you have been talking about. I thought you shadowhunters do everything fast- hmph

A gag was forced into Magnus's mouth by Alec.

Alec : keep your jaw at rest. I don't like when you talk unnecessarily.

Alec sat back down beside Magnus who whimpered around the gag.

Alec : this belt is of no use

Magnus saw the belt fly across the room and fall into one corner.

Alec : my hands would be more useful

Alec kept his hand on Magnus' hand rubbing soothingly where he last hit the belt.

Alec : and what were you saying? That shadowhunters do everything fast? When I'll be over with you tonight, you'll forget to talk, you'll forget that you have to breathe

Magnus closed his eyes tightly at Alec's words feeling a cold shiver run down his spine. Alec raised his hand up and it came down in a flash erupting a cry from Magnus which came muffled because of the gag, and the sounds echoed through the room.

Alec smirked and started spanking Magnus in the earnest. It was all new but nothing mattered when they had the moment to themselves. Alec was successful to bring blood in the area where he spanked quite a lot times. And he started increasing the intensity of blows until Magnus cried out everytime Alec's hand came in contact with his ass. 

Magnus was sent to a blissful headspace where the only thing mattered was Alec. Alec was so busy demon hunting the past week that they had no time for themselves. So today's night Msgnus thought that they'll make love, but this was so much better for him.

Magnus let himself be in the mercy of his boyfriend as at that time the blows were increased. He didn't notice the tears rolling down his cheeks. Alec softly brought down his hand, rubbing soothingly on Magnus' ass, trying his best to dismiss all the stinging pain. He leaned over to Magnus' ear and gave him so many affirmations.

Alec : shh shh, darling, you were so good for me, so good

Magnus couldn't stop sobbing. His hands were held up too above which had caused sprains in his shoulders and biceps. His inner muscles of his mouth were paining because of the gag. His ass was stinging like hell. His whole face is buried in the sheets and only his sobs can be heard. Alec sighed, heading over and uncuffing Magnus' hands. Magnus didn't try do anything. He let Alec have the whole control. He felt his body being pulled up as he sat up on Alec's lap. Alec pulled out the gag from Magnus' mouth.

Magnus threw his head on Alec's shoulder, sighing and inhaling his scent deliberately. Alec didn't spoke a thing. He slowly ran his hand up and down through Magnus' sides while peppering soft, gently kisses on his neck which eventually calmed Magnus down and prevented him from sobbing.

Once, Magnus was fully calmed down, Alec made him lay on his back again and quickly handcuffed him again. Magnus whined.

Alec : if you whine anymore I might have to put on the gag

This made Magnus totally shut up. He observed Alec as he kissed his whole body and stopped at his dick. God knows what more evil ideas were poppinh inside his head...

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