Episode 1

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(We open on a shot of a bustling city with citizens going about their day. Suddenly, a loud explosion rocks the city, and buildings shake. The camera zooms in on a bank, where a group of masked robbers have just blown up the vault. They are loading up bags of cash into their getaway car when Frozone arrives on the scene)

Frozone: Looks like I got here just in time. You boys better put your weapons down and surrender peacefully.

(The robbers laugh and open fire, but Frozone easily dodges their bullets and freezes their weapons with his icy powers. The robbers are stunned, and Frozone takes them down one by one with his ice blasts and martial arts moves)

(As the last robber falls to the ground, Frozone hears a woman's scream. He turns to see a burning building and runs to help. Inside, a little girl is trapped on the top floor, surrounded by flames)

Frozone: Don't worry, son. I'll get you out of here.

(Using his ice powers, Frozone creates a path of frozen steps up to the girl's window. He breaks through the glass and grabs the girl, holding her tightly as he slides down the frozen path to safety)

(The crowd cheers as Frozone emerges from the burning building with the little girl in his arms. He hands her over to the grateful mother and turns to leave)

Reporter: Frozone, can we get a statement from you?

Frozone: I'm just doing my job, ma'am. Keeping this city safe from those who would do it harm

(As Frozone walks away, the camera zooms in on his face. He looks tired but satisfied, knowing he has once again saved the day)

Frozone: The Iceman ComethWhere stories live. Discover now