Chapter 7

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What was the best way to deal with an enemy who would end up killing half of our living family? To ally with one of their other enemies, and what better ally than the one living right under the man's nose?

But before I could even think about forming the alliance, I needed to gather some bargaining chips, things that would help me gain favour from the enemy of my enemy, which was what brought me all the way to the other side of the narrow seas.

Pentos was a large port city, known to be one of the most populous cities in Essos. It had massive, high walls, but was still considered to be the most vulnerable of the Free Cities. The city had many square brick towers and most of the roofs done of tiles.

"Was it necessary to be here in such a harsh place?"

"I did tell you that you didn't need to come. Don't blame me for wanting to stick with me."

After the events at Bloodraven's cave, Merida had decided to stick with me without even asking me if it was alright. Not that I would have turned her around. A girl alone in the harshness of the greater North would not survive long, I knew that for a fact because I had no memories of her 'gifted' to me. She had died before she could come in contact with anyone close to my blood.

The Master at Eastwatch by the Sea had been adamant about leaving her beyond the wall. But I was nothing if not convincing, so after lightening my pockets a little, I was able to bring her to the other side of the Wall. From Eastwatch we took a ship bound for Pentos. On the ship, we found a merchant who was happy to sell us clothes fir for Pentosi. Furs would do no good on that side of the Narrow Seas.

I shed my furs for a silk flowing robe in shades of purple. Under it, I wore a tunic and trousers, a belt cinching the robe around my waist.

While Merida shed her furs for a long flowing dress made of silk, with flowing sleeves, low-cut necklines and embroidered with metallic threads. Her dress matched mine, having shades of purple in it.

"This friend of yours, how did you meet him if he lives on this side of the waters?"

"He's not a friend of mine yet. But he will be soon."

I ignored the stunned look on Merida's face and walked by her.

"You don't know him and yet you think he will be your friend?" the femme rushed over to walk beside me. "What if he decides to kill you?"

"He won't" I assured her. "I have something he desperately needs, something he won't say no to."


Pentos was a city where wealth was power, ruled over by a prince with a council of rich magisters. The Prince was a mostly ceremonial function, however, while the magisters ruled.

Magister was a title held by wealthy individuals in some Free Cities. These men ruled from the shadows of the Prince, but they were the shadows that all knew about.

One of these magisters lived in a stronghold within the city of Pentos, with a view of the Bay of Pentos.

The manse has brick walls twelve feet high with iron spokes atop. There were three gates to it, the main gatehouse being the chief way in or out of the manse. There was one in the garden that was hidden by Ivy. The Third gate was a postern by the kennels. The main and postern gates were guarded by Unsullied, while the garden gate was chained. The manse had pillared galleries, pointed arches, and a tiled courtyard in which mushrooms grew from cracks.

There was a marble pool with a statue of a naked youth in its centre. The statue was lithe and handsome, made of painted marble so that the hair was blond and shoulder-length. It was poised to duel with a bravo's blade in hand. The pool was surrounded by six cherry trees. The gardens behind the manse are more extensive than the ones by the pool.

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