Chapter 18

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On wings of the wind, change takes its flight,

A force unseen, a transformative might.

It whispers of shifts in life's grand design,

Sweeping through landscapes, leaving naught behind.

The winds of change, they gust and they sway,

Toppling old structures, clearing the way.

With every gust, a chance to renew,

To embrace the unknown, to start anew.

Amidst the tempest, uncertainty lies,

Yet within chaos, opportunity flies.

Embrace the winds, let them guide your way,

For change brings growth with each passing day.

So let the winds of change blow fierce and free,

Embrace their power, let your spirit be.

For in their embrace, true transformation thrives,

As life's winds of change forever arrive.

"Are all the preparations made?"

"Aye, your Grace."

"Is it... safe? I can't risk losing her, even for this."

"It is safe, your Grace. The Princess' life will not be in jeopardy."

"Very well then, begin the ritual."


It was odd how time seemed to just skip by when life becomes hectic, how night and day seemed to blend in and you are left to wonder when exactly you were.

Sixteen years had passed since Rhaegar's death, and a lot had changed.

With the heir to the Iron Throne dead, the title passed to the year-old Aegon who was much too young to understand what was going on. King Aerys still ruled, and I was a trusted advisor to him still.

The Queen gave birth two years after Rhaegar's death, to a little princess named Daenerys. Sadly the Queen did not live long to see her daughter, dying from the strain of childbirth hours after. We all mourned the death of the Queen, but not more than Viserys or the King did. Both men had become overly protective of the child.

The Princess though needed the care of a mother, or at the very least a mother figure. Which was where Ashara and Princess Elia came in. Both women played an important hand in the raising of Princess Daenerys, loving her as if she was one of their own. It birthed the opportunity for Daenerys to be raised alongside two close children her age.

One was Aegon Targaryen, Rhaegar's oldest son and her nephew who was two years her elder.

And the other was Jon Stark, my son who was a year her elder.

The three kids grew up thick as thieves, a trio of troublemakers that was the bane of every servant in the Red Keep but the apple of their mother's eyes.

Aegon grew to be a mix of his Targaryen and Dornish heritage, inheriting the silver-gold hair and lilac eyes of his father's side while the colouring and physical features of his mother's side. Princess Elia often commented that Aegon looked like a young Oberyn if he had that kind of hair and eyes.

Jon had a good blend of Stark and Dayne features. He was graceful and quick and had a lean build. He had the long face of the Starks, with the black hair of Daynes. His eyes were dark, but if the light hit them just right, they looked more purple than dark.

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