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Narrator's POV
The next few days and weeks were stressful Fan's Noticed a pattern of Rhea and Dominik appearing separately and came up with crazy conspiracy's such as breaking up,fighting or something else Fans also noticed Dominik looked a mess and Rhea was Also seen  in a mood but she reassured her fans she was fine and her Dom were fine and just busy with our respective careers but fans could tell it was a lie but didn't say much as Rhea and Dom would appear on different days Dom had yet to speak out but chose to focus on his solo career
Damian's POV
"Rhea your clearly not ok and we're worried about you" Damian said
Finn's POV
"We're also worried about Dom as well both of you don't seem like yourselves and have not been seen together for a while the girls have also picked up on it and are very worried as well Rey has had to tell them that you and Dom are ok repeatedly" Finn said
Rhea's POV
"Guys can we please just drop this conversation I'm fine Dom's fine and me and Him Are fine and still together we've just been really busy" Rhea said

Adopted Daughter's Of Rhea Ripley And Dominik Mysterio Where stories live. Discover now