Chapter 15

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Once in the corridor I had to contain myself so as not to explode the whole castle. I knew for a fact that my violent departure was one of the worst things I could have done but I couldn't stop myself. I was just reaching the courtyard when a voice rang out from behind me :

- Ava ! Stop. Now.

In the half-darkness of the falling evening, I could still distinguish Lesso. I froze, short of breath, trembling with rage. The redhead came towards me so that she would be close enough not to have to shout to be heard. I laughed ironically.

- I guess I was wrong.

- What are you talking about ?

- I thought you'd be the one who'd say everything.

Lesso shook his head and ran a hand over his face.

- Who do you think I am.. .

- The Never that you are Lesso.

She raised her head to look at me.

- Don't do that.

- I don't want to get into a fight with you. What do you

do you want now ?

- Alright, we should .. .

- My mum is dead. The world is out to get me. And I'm on an ejection seat. And you're here to tell me what I should do ?

- No, Ava, listen to me.

I didn't let her finish, my anger dwindling as my pain and sorrow returned. My hand came to rest on her arm. She put her hand on mine and I let myself fall into her arms, clinging to the collar of her jacket.

- Fuck.. . My mother is dead.. .

Lesso suddenly pushed me away, his eyes roaming over my face, which was flooded with tears that I could no longer contain.

- What are you doing ? She asked.

Underneath her neutral expression I could feel her containing her emotions. I

wanted her to crack. I needed her. My gaze went to hers and after a second of silence, I kissed her abruptly. She responded to my kiss with force. Her hand closed on my waist. And she pushed me away with even more force. I could hardly breathe, her eyes avoided mine, I was trembling.

- What are you .. .

She didn't let me finish my sentence.

- Stop it, Ava. We need to decide what we're going to do now.

- What we're going to do ?

My voice was broken.

- Are you going to turn yourself in or do we have to do something about it ?

My heart exploded in my chest. I recoiled in shock. His gaze finally met mine, hard, cold, impersonal. I shook my head from left to right slowly, confused.

- No. No fucking way.

- Ava.. .

- No ! Fuck no !

- Ava.

- Not you, fuck no !

- Stop it, Ava.

- Stop it ? Hell no !

She reached out a hand towards me.


- Ava stop.

- Don't talk to me ! Don't touch me ! Don't look at me !

- Ava !

- You disgust me Lesso ! You're not worth more than.. .

- Be careful with what you're going to say. She growled in a tone that had become threatening.

- Don't ever come near me again.

I turned on my heels. She grabbed my arm.


I didn't even move. His arm broke with a sharp crack at fifteen different points. His scream echoed through the night. I did not turn around and disappeared without a word into the tower.

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