Into the unknown

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Sorry for the wait! Luv y'all <3 /P
3rd pov

Nya and Lloyd appeared from the portal Lloyds fur being messy due to the rapidness and harshness of the portal
A roar thundered above their heads "Realm of Oni and Dragons?" Nya asked
"Realm of Oni and Dragons." Lloyd answered waving a bug off his tail and brushing his fur out
"Huh, Maybe we should have brought one of the others... They have been here before" Nya laughed nervously
"Eh, To late" Lloyd responded as the portal snapped shut
"So... what is their to do here?" Nya asked
"I heard a village.. nearby or what i assume to be a village due to all of the people talking" Lloyd shrugged
"Does the form enhance your hearing or smth?" Nya said confused
"Yup, I assume so" Lloyd said wiggling his ears

Time skip brought by Star 👉🏻😎👉🏻

They arrived at the village, It bursting with voices
"Weh, Ssso fucking loud" Lloyd hissed bringing his hands to his ears, He couldn't pick out what the voices were saying as it was a jumbled mess
Nya laughed earning a confused glare from Lloyd
"What" Lloyd said thumping his tail on the ground
"You.. You just hissed like a snake" Nya chuckled in between words
Lloyd blushed in embarrassment due to the involuntary noise
They walked into the village, Lloyd seemed visibly uncomfortable as everyone snapped their heads to look at him, He started shielding himself with his wings trying to block the glares
"Hey, You alright?" Nya asked petting his wing softly
Lloyd nodded hesitantly before stopping suddenly
"Nya" Lloyd said nervously as his ears perked up
"Hm?" She hummed
"This is a dragon hunter village..." Lloyd said hesitantly looking at the people as they grabbed chain ropes and swords
"Ah shit" Nya whisper shouted
Lloyd screeched/Roared as a arrow came plummeting into his tail more following nicking his wings and tail slightly, He shook his wings and tail getting out the loose arrows as his blood stained the orange sand under their feet
"Nya, Do you trust me?" he coughed out hissing as a arrow nicked his horn leaving a permanent triangular hole
"Yes!" Nya shouted looking worried as Lloyd dodged a chain rope that seemed to be smoldering hot, What the fuck was wrong with these people
Lloyd held out his arm, Nya grabbed it as Lloyd started quickly running as his wings clumsily flapped behind him. He jumped off the ground now holding on to Nya with a harsh grip claws slightly digging into her arm, He took air but was harshly pulled back as a smoldering chain yanked over his tail with a shit ton of people pulling it, Nya summoned water blasting the chain and trailed down to the people pushing them back harshly as they were forced to let go, Lloyd clumsily flying away with the chain on his tail

"Lloyd?" Nya asked hesitantly
"Y-.Yes?" Lloyd said with a pained voice
"Your shaking.. We are far enough away from the village now, You can land I promise" She reassured him
"A...Are you sure?" He coughed nervously looking backwards
"Im sure, Don't you worry" She smiled at him trying to keep him reassured
"A-Alright" Lloyd finally gave in
He flew downwards dropping Nya down and dropping down after, He flexed his tail uncomfortably the chain melted into his skin and scales
"Can i see your tail?" Nya asked
Lloyd moved his tail towards Nya letting her examine it, She hummed as she pulled out a arrow quickly placing water over the wound to temporarily hold the blood, Lloyd growled
"i know, I know it hurts" Nya said before looking at the chain, She frowned
"Hm?" He hummed
"Bad news, Its imbedded in your tail..." Nya said sighing
Lloyd hissed in annoyance as Nya started rummaging through her bag pulling out a katana, She swiftly cut off the excess of the chain leaving the chain rapped around his tail but with less chain
"This might take Abit to get used to" He wagged his tail it slightly delayed due to the heaviness of the chain
"Those people were shits, Im sure you will get used to it" Nya smiled
Lloyd got up dusting himself off,
"Well, We should set up camp its getting dark" He concluded
Nya looked up, She hadn't noticed how dark it was getting but agreed with Lloyd

They finished building the fire (Lit by Lloyd) And blankets laid out beside the fire to keep warm
"I don't think ill be able to sleep, I think dragons might be nocturnal actually... No clue. But ill keep watch" He purred as Nya gave him a thumbs up
Lloyd watched as Nya dozed off now looking around at every crevice, Every hole and crack. Every noise, Every Bird chirp and mouse squeak, Every time the fires spouted embers with a pop, he jumped at all of these sounds imaging the angry villagers attacking him and harming Nya. He felt super overwhelmed and overstimulated as he pet his tail ignoring the tight restricting chain around it, He just wondered about the others

(Im so sorry it was a short chapter! I am experiencing slight writers block and am biting off more then i can chew by writing more then 4 stories, I will mainly focus on this one for now! -Star >:^)  )

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2023 ⏰

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