52) Recover Recovery

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They arrive in the Blue's and Red's underwater base
"Fuck me, never get used to the smell of fish and depression"
Jason commented, carolina steps infront of everyone
"We have one shot at this. Jax's footage has given us the precise moment. At 17:20, Wash will be hit. 18 minutes from my mark. Sync"
Everyone shouts
Simmons looks at carolina
"18 minutes is tight, but every second we spend here risks more damage to the past"
"We need to be surgical"
Sister nods
"No fucking the timeline"
Sarge looks at Simmons, bowing his head
"No assassinating Temple"
"Remember the Butterfly Effect. Any damage we do could have disastrous consequences"
"No killing butterflies"
They continue on, eventually, they get stuck behind a group of guards, they argue about what to do, a glow appears as who seems to be Simmons talks
"I know it seems bad"
A time portal has opened to Simmons. Through it is future Simmons, surrounded by the Reds and Blues, inside the same facility
"But don't worry. I'm here to help"
Simmons looks at future Simmons
Carolina looks at Simmons
"Can someone tell me what's going on?"
"I think my counterpart is from the future and is gonna tell us how to defeat all these guys!"
Future Simmons confirms
"That's correct! My advice is, use what you've learned."
Tucker looks at him
"That's it?"
"'Fraid so. Oh, and also? You guys are gonna do great"
The portal closes, carolina and Simmons look at eachother
"I... don't understand"
"Carolina, I think you need to let us handle this one"
Sarge shouts at two of the soldiers
"Hey! You men! Get over here! That's an order!"
The soldiers run after Sarge, and more follow. The first two fall through a portal opened up in the floor, landing on Iris, where a cyclops woman is stomping around. She promptly stomps them dead.
Back inside the base, a whinnying noise can be heard
A red soldier and a blue soldier are talking
"Did you hear something?"
"Sounded like a-"
A horse lands on both of them, knocking them to the ground.
Tucker laughs, and sister sighs
"Hah! Nailed it!"
"You really didn't need to use a horse for that"
Simmons turns to caboose
"You see that guy, Caboose?He's the one who took your penny"
"Fooooooooooour percent interest!"
Caboose charges in and hits a Red soldier with the golf club, so hard the soldier goes flying, bumping into the walls with pinball machine sounds, Jason walks up to a blue soldier, handing him a grapple hook pointed up
"Hold this for me?"
"Yeah sure"
The soldier pauses
"Wait, why?"
The grapple shoots up and forward, zip lining him into the glass of the base, the soldier falls back to the ground, unconscious
"You know what they say about things that go up"
Tucker looks at the soldier Jason knocked out
"That was... something"
knocked out Red and Blue soldiers litter the floor. Carolina walks past them to meet the Reds and Blues.
"You did it! With minutes to spare!"
Tucker turns to Simmons
"Let's boogie, before the other us-es show up!"
"Wait. One more thing"
He opens a time portal, back to a few minutes earlier, seeing past caroljna
"We wait, or we fight. It's a lose-lose"
"I know it seems bad... but don't worry. I'm here to help"
They continue through the base, reaching the main hangar, where they see Wash, about to get shot, Jason turns to the group
"Okay fellas, big moment, don't fuck this up"
Jason mutters to himself
"I'm gonna make this right David"
Carolina aims and fires, killing the Blue soldier before he shoots Washington. Time comes to a complete stop and everyone and everything freezes, except for the Reds and Blues of the present. Everything slowly starts to become white, Tucker looks at Sarge
"What's going on?"
Jason looks around panicked
"Emily, this can't be happening, I still have so much to do, I have to..."
Everything surrounding them has faded away, and the Reds and Blues themselves begin to fade too.
Simmons looks to carolina
"It's too late..."
Tucker looks at sister
"K, I-I need to tell you-"
Sarge looks at everyone
"Men, Grif, Simmons, It's been an honour-"
Everything fades, as Jason walks through the halls of his ship, placing a new weapon onto his rack
"Hey LD, log that one for me will ya?"
A familiar lightly coloured AI appears
"Sure thing buddy"

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