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Ryan reynolds stands there as the random ass person infront of him violently seizes

"OH MY GOD? SOMEONE CALL 911" he yells, obviously in a state of shock

Suddenly they begin combusting

"OH NO? THIS ISNT TRUE SOMEONE TAKE HIM TO THE HOSPITAL" ryan reynolds screams once more

Suddenly a large truck appears and runs over this person, moments later the international space station falls on their head "am on fir" they say weakly

"Ahhh" they say in a very monotone voice as the Eiffle tower falls on their left leg, the Statue if liberty falling on their right

Suddenly the queen of England walks out of the sky and down to them "is this a nightmare? What is happening!" Ryan says to himself

Kanye west then appears and hits the man on the ground with a frying pan before galloping off into the sunset, making horse noises with his mouth "OH NO! NOT KANYE, HES LOST HIS MIND!" Ryan yells, flabbergasted

Abraham Lincoln walks in riding an elephant, and Vladimir putin Nukes mexico

"Howdy partner" obama says from somewhere

"The world is crumbling apart... kanye, putin, abraham... they've all gone insane! I cant believe what im seeing! The world is ending..."

God appears and snaps, then suddenly the random guy on the ground is fine, he runs away. Chris pratt appears, singing the words to "let it grow" from the lorax movie

"What is happening?! Is this the afterlife? Is this one of gods tests to decide weather or not im worthy of going to heaven?  Does my fate fall in the hands of chris pratt??" Ryan reynolds shouts

Chris pratt walks closer to ryan and pats him on the shoulder "you're gay" he says, then he proceeds to recite the words to the fitness gram pacer test

"I-" ryan reynolds mutters, unsure of how to react

The entire cast from the original grinch movie walk out from the surrounding forest, T-posing and very, ever so slowly approaching Ryan Reynolds, Chris Pratt, queen Elizabeth, god, Abraham Lincoln and putin

"NOT THE GRINCH CAST! THEY ARE TOO MUCH TO HANDLE.. oh my god... they're getting closer... WHAT DO I DO?!" Ryan reynolds screams

Johnny depp walks out of his chocolate factory and gives ryan reynolds a Mr.beast bar before helicoptering into the sky

"I- i cant turn this down but... im so confused... what is happening... im being called gay by my favorite actors... maybe if i eat this bar ill have the energy to withstand all of this madness being thrown at me.." he says

The original grinch cast, queen Elizabeth, god, chris pratt, putin and Abraham all start dancing and singing "let it grow" from the lorax movie, the lorax floats down from the sky and lands infront of Ryan, he bows and then morphs into mr beast himself (!!!!)  he then turns on a camera and hands ryan a ticket with a poorly drawn among us character on it, it also says "Amo usu e"

"I- what..? What is the meaning of this... the mr.beast bar... the among us ticket.... Is this a message from a higher being?" He says quietly

"Ryan reydnold" he hears being whispered into his ear.. but from where?

"Who.. who is that? Is.." he turns and see's the man who was seizing and combusting from earlier "its you! Finally someone.. somewhat.. normal... ish..?"

"Im sorry my dear rydan reydnolod, but all of this is a sign that- oh no... no it's happening.." the man says

Suddenly everyone around them turns into the cats from the movie "cats" they all start very aggressively singing "this is my fight song"

"Oh god.. no.. not that cats.. why do they look like that?! Whats wrong with their fur! GET THEM AWAY FROM ME!"

They form a circle and ed sheeran falls from the sky in the center of the circle, singing "i am in love with the shape of you" and various other songs of his, he hits the ground with a cartoonish "SPLAT" sound effect fallowed by a "boioioioing" sound as he bounces back up.. "hello rysdsal=n rehnyedolds.. long time no see" he smirks, walking over to ryan reynolds...

To be continued............

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2023 ⏰

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