Chapter 6: Am i Pregnant?

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After the first date, Lexi went to her room and layed down for a minute then got herself up to use the bathroom. *throws up* her mom went to check on her and knock on the door "Lexi are you ok?" She
Said "I'm fine mom " in a grumpy voice.

She changed into pj's and went to sleep, the next morning, her alarm clock woke her up for school she felt weird and she thought maybe she needs to take a test you know a pregnancy test. She tip toe so she didn't wake up familia, she grabbed the test and waited nervously, it said two lines that means she is pregnant, she was in shock but changed into comfy clothes and went on the bus to school. She saw Matt and walked over to him she said "Matt I want to talk to you in private it's important. " He agree and they both went to a private  corner, she said "Matt I'm pregnant and you are the father. " he was confuse and said "you are joking right?" She nodded no and he said " I want don't kid right now, I'm still in school, why are you so are not protected, oh, my God, now I'll gonna be parents in senior year Lexi, be careful, now the whole school would know that you're pregnant, and I'm the who has to be blamed. This is going to ruin my reputation, and also, I might get kicked off the basketball team and football team for getting a girl pregnant thanks a lot Lexi. " and walked away.

She was on bearable, she also couldn't believe the man of her life just walked away from her because she is pregnant how she's gonna survive?

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