Olive garden

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Bingbongball stood up in admiration. The person standing up for them, was none other than, the one, the only: foreskin.

"FORESKIN??" Jiggletit32 shouted out.
Foreskin gently pushed jiggletit out the way and threatened her in a deep alpha voice,
"Keep on and I'll beat you up until all your limbs are broken"

Jiggletit32 felt a shiver run down her spine. The thought was enough to make her collapse then and there. After she ran away, Cancernelia got to her feet and smiled.

"Thank you for helping us, foreskin." Her smile was enough to brighten up anyones day, even someone as dark and intimidating as foreskin.

"Dont mention it, i was only trying to help out my dear friend Archibald's girl."

The next day, Cancernelia rose out of bed, collecting her thoughts. What was so important about today?

Thats right; the date. Cancernelia rushed out of bed, her long golden locks swaying beautifully behind her, she looked into the mirror to see her shining beautiful bright blue orbs stare back at her. She had no need to put makeup on as her face was naturally perfect, so all she needed to do was dress.

She spent roughly 1 and a half hours picking the perfect outift for her date with Archibald. She couldnt disappoint, espcially at a strip club.

Stepping out of her house in her sexy outfit, she went to meet Archibald at olive garden, where they would eat and go to the strip clin together. She ran, making sure not to trip over and ruin her face, to make it to olive garden.

She opened the door and looked around for Archibald. She heard a familiar voice call her name out.

Turning around, she headed towards the voice: The beautiful voice of Archibald.

Archibald turned around on his chair, to reveal that his schlong had rised up after laying his eyes on Cancernelia.

"Whats up baby girl?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2023 ⏰

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