So I've finally met the Villain

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"Welcome to the Frederick Manor, Lady Rosecent." The butler in the front of the grand, and gigantic entrance of the Frederick manor bowed respectfully. "Thank you for coming." He very respectfully assisted me down from the carriage.

My eyes became rounded at the sight of such a luxurious manor that was standing in front of me. It was grand and massive, larger than the manor of the Rosecent household! My jaws fell as I approached down.

Emma next to me mouthed, "My Lady, please don't drop your jaws. It looks unladylike."

I closed my jaw and straightened myself up. "I have an appointment with the Princess," I told the butler.

"Yes, I shall escort you to the waiting room immediately," The butler bowed and led us both into the manor's entrance. There was a huge garden in the scene with a water fountain in the center. Out in the sides were small canals that were attached to the fountain, which made it look like a tiny river...

And the gardens... oh my god, the topiary within the gardens as well... this shit was just to another level. Just how big was the Frederick manor?! It makes the Rosecent manor look like a joke!

And when we entered the household, the insides were decorated with white marble stone and granite that looked freshly polished with a reflective surfaces. And... my god.

"The guests have arrived, Princess." The butler announced in the reception room' as he opened the door.

Inside was sitting a beautifully dressed woman with the most refined and elegant look that I've ever seen in my entire life. Dark ebony hair that shone like the dark night, and golden yellow eyes that resembled the sun– so this was... Princess Isis Frederick.

"You've arrived at last, Rosecent Mielle," Princess Isis, looked up from her cup of tea and matched her golden cat eyes to mine.

"..." I stared open-mouthed until Emma kicked my leg and I quickly bowed to say, "G-greetings, P-princess Isis..."

Isis put down her cup of tea on the desk and took out her fan as she said, "My, it seems that Lady Rosecent seems quite tired. Why don't you sit down so that we can have a conversation?"

I slowly stumbled towards a seat across from her and nervously bowed when she met my gaze. S...scary. She looks like someone who could kill you if you do something bad with her.

Isis said nothing about my behavior as she ordered, "Servants, please pour our guest a cup of tea." And servants quickly came to my side and poured me a cup of chamomile tea into a floral tea cup that looked like it was made of gold and diamonds.

...Even the tea-cup... hahaha... screams rich from here.

"It has been quite a while since we chatted like this, Lady Rosecent. How is Count Rosecent doing?" Isis asked as she sipped the cup of newly brewed tea. 

 I sipped some of mine and responded, "My father is doing well, Princess."

"I heard that he has recently gotten re-married," Isis said taking out her fan.

"Hoho... it seems like the rumors spread fast," I answered.

"Getting remarried is one thing, but marrying someone of... low status is very...un-noble-like. Surely Count Rosecent is aware of the disdain he is doing to his honor, and the nobility's honor?" Isis asked me.

What the heck am I supposed to do? It's not like I told him to get remarried, nor can I tell him to get divorced or anything. This time, I decided to not answer anything. Speaking up could clearly mean I was disagreeing with her.

The Villain. She is the most powerful person in this Empire right now. Going against her could cause my downfall. Or my death... whatever comes first.

"Haha... what I am saying now? I didn't mean to scare you, Lady Mielle. I was just discussing things with you because I know this is a very heavy topic for you." Isis told me with a slight chuckle as she cooly looked at me with a glance. "Why don't we talk about more interesting things?"

So I've reincarnated as Mielle Rosecent!Where stories live. Discover now