So I've just gained a New Ability?!

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GODDAMIT I KNEW I WAS LOST. I had just walked down this entire block of streets for the last twenty minutes– and I've been coming back to this same street over and over again! 

My back became hunched and my feet had started to go numb walking aimlessly without a goal or life. I didn't have a single penny on me right now to go back home. Shit. I really should have thought this through before going anywhere. 

Usually, most noblewomen don't carry around wallets with them because they have their attendants or escorts for them using the family name. So Emma would have to authorize the purchase. I knew it! I should have brought Emma with me! 

I am getting too used to this world! Maybe because I've been regressing thirteen times! 

Suddenly, golden blonde hair passed by my eyesight in a second. I rubbed my eyes three times just to make sure that I was seeing all of this properly. Wait....that person looks familiar.

W-w-was that Aria Roscente?!

"My lady, this is for you." A sweet voice filled my ears when I heard this. I studied properly and saw a figure proposing to Aria with flowers.

Just what in the world is going on?!!!!

Without thinking twice, my body moved on its own and hid behind another bricked building immediately, as if to not catch their attention. My breath stopped, however, I silently peeked my head out of the building to catch a glimpse of this scene. 

It seemed to be a floral atmosphere, all flowery and buttery~ I could see Aria and this hooded figure standing in front of her flowers. Her guards who seemed to be a bit wary, looked confused at this hooded figure as well. 

 ...What the heck is going on? 

There were five hooded figures. Only one tall figure stood tall amongst them all. I could tell from their stature that it was a man– with soft-dark black hair with cerulean blue eyes. Hmmm... He looked familiar if I wasn't going to lie. 

I felt like I'd seen him somewhere. Perhaps in my other lifetimes?!

Suddenly a chill ran down my spine. Holy cow. Just who the heck is this guy? His aura was so regal and intimadating at the same time. 

Anyhow, I still had to focus on this scene. The dark-haired man looked ever so passionately at the golden-haired disinterested woman. 

"What is the meaning of this?" Aria questioned with a stern voice towards the kind-looking man. Her expression was grim, reluctant, and cautious. 

"This is a humble token of appreciation for the information you shared with me before." The man told her with a gleeful expression. I could tell that he was enjoying teasing Aria like this. "Your great advice helped me to evade a grave loss." 

I didn't need to be a mind reader to tell from Aria's scrunched eyebrows. She was probably thinking just like me: Advice loss? What on Earth is this guy talking about? 

"Actually, I don't even remember any conversation that you'd be thankful for..." Aria looked, evading his eyes as if she wanted to wrap up this conversation. 

"That's impossible. Thanks to you, I didn't buy the auction tickets to the Viscount Louvre and was able to protect my valuable assets." The man said with a flowery smile. 

V-Viscount Louvre? I gasped in my breath. Hold on... Aria had helped this man from getting into Viscount Louvre's auction? Huh? At that point, I couldn't hold it in any longer, my gasp had escaped out of my mouth when a realization had struck me. 

It had to be..! No way it couldn't be..! 


"Please, take these tulips. They are the blessings of our kingdom." The Crown Prince said with a soft smile on his face when he gave the flowers into Aria's hands. Aria, for some reason, looked irked and completely disgusted with the man infront of her.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2023 ⏰

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