Character and power

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Height:6'1 feet


Religion:Christian(It's important to his power)

Personal:Loyal, trusting, Funny, Have compassion

Power:He has an angel contract
(Heaven angel)

Angel contract:It basically can counter any devil's powers or any deil contract and the stronger his faith in God the more powerful he is He can summon holy weapons and prayer

Weaknesses:The only way to break an angel contract is when the person with a contract (in this case Devonte) loses every faith in God

Mission:Spread the word of God and kill the devil(if God tells him to kill devils)

Holy swords
Holy bow and arrow
Holy firearms
Holy Shield

Powers and ability

* Prayer will always make the fight go in his favor

* He can disconnect any devil contract

* He can slowly heal and Can accurately predict opponent attacks

* He can counter any devil's ability to control his mind or body

How it happens

Devonte was going to sleep and he said his prayers and went to sleep A few hours later it felt like he died or had an out-of-body experience and he met an angel

Devonte:Woah wait a minute is that my body how...Did I die

Angel:Hello Devonte

Devonte:Are you, Jesus...I'm going to heaven

Angel:I am not Jesus I'm an angel that is here to make a contract

Devonte:Contract I'm I died

Angel:No I'm here to make a contract are you willing to do this contract

Devonte:Yes I am

Angel:Devonte you have been chosen out of millions of Christians around the world to make this world a better place

Devonte:Oh ok I'm the chosen one then right

Angel:In a way yes and no there have been people before you your the first in hundreds of years that's what I mean you're first in this generation

The angel explains his powers and abilities and weapons

Devonte:You know that's pretty cool and I can go on adventures

Angel:But there is one thing about this contract...You are a sinner all of the humans in the world are but if you lose your faith in Jesus Christ and God the contract will disconnect you

Devonte:That makes sense...but what if I die in battle then what happens

Angel:Then you'll be judged but before you must pass your power to someone who worthy of this power

Devonte:Ok thank you, angel

Angel:Once we make this contract I'll know everything about you are you ready for your deepest thoughts and your deepest darkest secrets will be revealed to me are you

Devonte:Wait you every secret like every to be clear

Angel:I'll know everything about you like for example...You like a woman with a big rare end I'm I correct

Devonte:Rare end(blushes)Well uhm well you see uhm just I just uhh-

Angel:There is nothing to be embarrassed about are you ready

Devonte:Ok I'm ready

Angel:Sign the contract

Devonte:Where do I sign is there a pen

Angel:You sign by your faith

Devonte:That doesn't exactly explain how that works

Angel:Pray in your heart will sign the contract


Devonte prays and he causes to sign the contract

And then he woke up

Devonte:Wow that was a weird dream

Angel:It wasn't

Devonte:Ok not a dream so what now since we made this contract

Angel:Well Jesus wants me to tell you to move to Japan

Devonte:That would be the cause but I'm broke

Angel:Check your bank account

Devonte check his bank account and he had a lot of money

Angel:Now you have to move to Japan to order to start

Devonte:Ok I'll moving

Timeskip like 30 days later he moves to Japan and moves inside a apartment At those time Devonte has been training to use his weapon and abilities

Angel:And that how David kill Goliath Goliath

Devonte: That's a good story but why did God want me to go to Japan it must be something important

Angel:Japan is the most with devils around and the main reason the control devil

Devonte:Control the devil what that devil deal

Angel:Imagine if a devil controlled everyone in one country

Devonte:Even me

Angel:No you did not affect their abilities

Devonte:Ok so what now

Angel:You should explore Japan and get used to the area and keep your eyes out of any devils...Kill them

Devonte:Ok and one more question are they any churches around Japan

Angel:Yes there are


End chapter

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