The Date

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After winning the amateur boxing championship The next day it was Sunday and Devonte went to church after getting off his motorcycle he realized that Kobeni's car was there

Devonte:That's great she went on her own

Devonte went inside the church and saw Himeno and Kobeni sitting next to each other and then he sat right next to them

Devonte:Hey You two you guys went

Kobeni:Oh hey Devonte

Himeno:Hey champ nice win yesterday

Devonte:Thank you I work so hard but now I'm a champion we should pay attention to the pastor as speak

Kobeni:Ok my bad

We Timeskip After church

Devonte:So Kobeni, Himeno What did you learn today at church

Kobeni:I learn that If you put God first He'll bless you along You put him first in life

Himeno:I learned that Smoking is bad

Kobeni:Uhm Himeno You can learn that even without the church

Himeno:Yeah but I now realize it is more serious than it is

Devonte:Yeah that Smoking is a sin

Kobeni: I have a Question If you are Christian you don't Sin right

Devonte:Oh no you still sin the only perfect person was Jesus

Kobeni:If we all sin then what is the difference between Christian sinning and Non-Christian sinning

Devonte:Well in God's eyes we are all sinners me you everyone but the difference is that we can ask for forgiveness and God would forgive us and remember them no longer matter what we're going to sin but We still need to act like Christians

Himeno:That makes sense But is there weight to sin I smoke sometimes and I cuss a lot is that weighted

Devonte:No sin is a sin if you curse even once in God's eyes you kill someone


Devonte:Let me rephrase that God doesn't see the weight of the sin he only sees sin murder and someone is a sin and cursing in the Sin he doesn't weigh it he just sees a sin no matter how big or small you think it is sin is sin

Kobeni:OK what if I talk about someone behind some back

Devonte:So gossiping

Kobeni:Is that a sin

Devonte:It depends


Devonte:So if you talk about someone would say behind your back Kobeni That you're a crybaby then no it would

Kobeni:What why

Devonte:Because it is true

Himeno:Wow he got you there Kobeni

Kobeni:I'm not a crybaby

Devonte: when the second time I saw you in the hotel you were crying like a baby inside the hotel room

Kobeni:Hey anyone would have cried in that situation

Devonte:And You Himeno That you get drunk all the time and you smoke all the true time

Himeno:I'll give you that one

Devonte:So in conclusion, If you talk about someone back and it is true it is not a sin because you speaking the truth but if you Tell lies about them then it sin

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