boxing tournament

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The next day in Makima office

Makima:So How did it go

Aki:W got our asses kick


Denji:We did all the work you just watch us get our asses handed to us

Power:Yeah where was your assistant Aki

Makima:Aki why did you help them fight Devonte surely your assistance with Help but you didn't do anything

Aki:Because seeing how easily he defeated them I decided to not help because these two would have died if I didn't help them afterward

Makima:That makes sense

Power:If I may ask a question

Makima:Go on

Power:Why do we need to kill or capture this Human anyway He doing our job so isn't that a good thing

Denji:Yeah he helped us defeat tons of devils

Makima:Yeah I noticed he even defeated Kanata devil so I'm fully aware of that but Public Safety didn't get any credit for those kills and since he doesn't work for us and he kinda like a vigilante it affects us because we are seen as we can't do our jobs and the more this happens the more money we lose and the more money we lose then public safety is a wipeout

Aki:So to sum it up He taking our credit away meaning That people's taxes go to public safety and People are questioning why they need us because of this one person He could run us out of business

Makima:100% correct Aki

Denji:Well couldn't other people use their devil abilities on him

Makima:Unfortunately No it's not that simple He can for some reason Destroy devil contracts he did that to Himeno and someone on the Kanata man goons(Thinks)Even my control abilities Don't work on him It strange I need to figure out how his powers work if I can do that I avoid this happening again

Aki:Denji, Power you two mentioned that your soul was on fire

Power:Yeah when he stabs with a...I don't even know it felt like my everything physically and everything was on fire

Denji:And he grew wings and kept shooting arrows at me

Aki:I remember he did do that

Makima:Interesting Maybe I need more firepower...Maybe(Thinks)Maybe if I just set a bounty on him everyone would be after him if that was the case every group and devils would come after him...I need him for myself Maybe I can get someone who knows him personally

Makima:I have a Question for all three of you Have anyone you seen Devonte with anyone like a friend or a Person You see him talking to all the time

Denji:Well that girl who is a crybaby I see him talk to her all the time

Power:I think he is friends with that midget

Aki:Well he did mention giving Himeno a job or something

Makima:Great that's all I need to know...You three are dismissed for now.

Timeskip a few hours later

Devonte invited Himeno and Kobeni to his boxing tournament and they both came inside the building and saw each other


Kobeni:Himeno what are you doing here I never knew you were into boxing

Himeno:I'm not but I'm here to support a friend

Kobeni:Me too I took off work to come here to support My friend Devonte

Himeno:Your friends with him also I never expected it how did you too meet

Kobeni:Well I have seen him in a church he goes to and after the lesson I apologize to him and We have been friends ever since and

Himeno:Oh so you go to church now do you believe in Jesus in all that

Kobeni:Well I understood why he goes to church the lesson is amazing and I feel safe there but I just don't feel accepted because of my past

Himeno:OH don't worry you'll fit right now...We need to support our Friend now right

Kobeni:Right so are you still a devil hunter

Himeno:No I'm retired after he destroyed my devil contracts

Kobeni:I'm sorry that happen

Himeno:Nope I'm happy

N/A:If you see this bracket is pretty small but it is a small tournament so yeah and they are fighting for 20,000 dollars OK back to the story...And also Devonte is number 1 fighting 4

6 rounds
3 minutes
3 knockdown rule
And no bell can save you
Devonte "Tank" Davis vs. John"The Body Snatcher" Freeman

Devonte Davis (0-0)

John freeman(2-0)

Kobeni/Himeno:You got this Devonte Win this

Referee:OK both of you this an amateur fight good luck to both of you today now when I say break you break any questions


Devonte:No sir

Referee:Both shake hands

Both of them shake hands and both go to the corner and they both get ready a few seconds later the bell rings

John immediately started to pressure Devonte with Jabs but Devonte started to dodge and weave out of the way and clutches and a few seconds later the Referee broke up the clutch

Devonte(Thinks)This nigga trying to take me out quickly he trying to aim for my body...Well he is called the body Snatcher so I got to keep my distance and when comes inside I need to counter and parry him

Devonte started to go into a southpaw stance and John once again started to pressure Devonte When John got inside Range Devonte hit him with a Double Jab That caught John's attention(It shows that Devonte Got power In his punches)Devonte then Hit John with a Body shot and then John caught Devonte with a right hook but Devonte Was unfazed but Devonte immediately Hit with a Hard Jab in that stun John

The bell rang and Both fighters went to their corner after 15 seconds round two started

Devonte and John go to the middle of the ring again and John like last round starts the pressure Devonte but Devonte Realize that his only game plan so Devonte decides to Move around and Start to dodge all John's punches until he notices John is getting tired until John once again to launch at Devonte but Devonte hit him with a perfectly left straight that send John on the canvas

Devonte(Salt Papi)


The crowd was shocked about the knockout that caught everyone off the ground Kobeni and Himeno were surprised by the knockout the Referee waved it off because John couldn't get up

Himeno:Damn didn't think he was that good

Kobeni:Yeah I didn't see that coming and didn't understand what was happening do you

Himeno:Nope but I knew he was winning

Once the hype died down the Referee announced that Devonte was the winning

By 2nd round KO

Devonte:Alright the champion is in the next round I should rest until it my turn again

End chapter

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