Chapter 1

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This fanfic was inspired by "What if Minato didn't die?" by the Amagi on youtube

 The wild was soft yet cold in the village hidden in the leaves, the sky was a magnificent dark violet, some clouds seeping in and covering the moon. But this night couldn't have been more exciting and nerve-wracking for Minato Namikaze, the Hokage of the village hidden in the leaves, for tonight his pregnant wife had gone into labor. The leading up to this night had been smooth and fast for the couple, Minato's wife had no troubles in her pregnancy, which was surprising stating the fact that she was the jailer of the 9-tailed fox, she was confident that her baby was going to be a healthy baby boy with a very even mix of her and Minato's jeans. But she wasn't thinking about that now, now she just wanted this baby out. "AGHHHHHHH!!" Kushina screamed. "It's okay kushina!! You're almost there!!" Minato said trying to keep the kyubi at bay. "DON'T TELL ME THAT!!" The midwife in the room chuckled at Kushina's hot-headedness. "One last push kushina!!" The midwife said, not long after the sound of a baby's cries was heard.

Minato looked at the defenseless infant, he had his mother's fantastic red hair with tints of the orange, the color of the fur of the kyubi. He had his eye shape with the beautiful violet-blue eyes of kushina, the kyubi's chakra must have interfered with the baby in the womb, he also had three whisker-like marks on each side of his cheek, and he also had spiky hair like his father. Though he had some traits of the kyubi, Minato adored his son, and Kushina was relieved that her baby boy was safe.

Something was off. Was it the lighting? No. Was it in the smell of the air? No... Something was off but Minato couldn't put his hand on it. He pushed it aside not wanting to ruin the moment, he looked towards his wife and smiled at her, then back down at the baby. "Our sweet little Naruto." they had chosen the name a few weeks ago, the couple had gotten the idea of the name from a family friend, Jiraiya, a man the two of them loved dearly, Minato thought of him as a father at times.

Kushina smiled at her husband, the smile was cut short when a masked man with black hair entered the room. He had killed the midwives taking Naruto in the process, holding a kunai to the poor baby's neck. "Get away from the Jinchuriki, Don't you care about what happens to your child?" Kushina screamed out for her child, as Minato stepped away from his wife, only for his infant to be tossed into the air. Minato dove for his child catching him just to realize that there had been an explosive tag placed on his cloth, Minato threw the fabric and brought the boy to a safe house, placing the boy in bed, and grabbing the materials he needed to save his wife from the masked man. Once he grabbed his materials he ran over to a cloak, a cloak that had the words "Fourth Hokage" written on the back, he slid it over his clothes and made his way to his wife.

The masked man was with the jinchuriki, He placed his hands atop the seal on her stomach, releasing the beast that she was keeping at bay, the Kyūbi no kitsune or the 9 tailed fox, a demon that was passed down to her, the 9 tailed fox was capable of destroying mountains or villages with a flick of its tail, keeping it at bay was the best option they had so it didn't destroy the village. "I'm going to pull that beast out of you, and use it to destroy the village." the masked man said to the woman, her eyes opened in disbelief and the masked man was true to his words, releasing the seal and calling upon the nine tails, using a dojutsu only used by the Uchiha, A Sharingan. He used his Sharingan and took control of the beast, forcing it to destroy the village.

With Minato

Minato stood atop the Hokage Monument, gazing out at the village below, Minato felt a sense of unease wash over him. Just then, he heard a roar in the distance, he knew that his worst fears had been realized. The Nine-Tailed Fox was released from kushina and was attacking the village, and he had to act fast if he was going to save his people and most importantly, his wife.

With lightning-fast reflexes, Minato sprung into action, using the hashirin seal he had placed on his wife to go to her location, he found her sprawled out on the floor, she was weakened as he if a biju was removed from its host, and the host could die. He had to hurry with his wife to take down the kyubi and seal it into another host.

The rest of the fight goes the same (Minato fought the masked man after he placed Kushina w Naruto)

Minato was tired, Kushina had managed to get the kyubi under her chakra chains to hold it down. "Kushina, we need to seal the beast into Naruto, If we don't hurry, it will get free and destroy everything!" "No! Please Minato... Let me take the kyubi to the grave with me, there is no need to seal it into our son, I don't want him to have the life I did!" "Kushina, there is no need, ill seal your remaining chakra inside of Naruto, it will be part of an Eight Signed Seal. The Reaper Death Seal." Kushina gasped "But the caster that uses that jutsu..." Minato cut her off "It's also Strategically unwise." he paused for a second "If you take the nine tails and its seal with you when you die, As for the other half of the nine tails..."

"Let Me perform it!" Minato's eyes widened, "No kushina I can't do this without you I-" "He needs his father! 1 parent is better than none! Please Minato..." Minao sighed, tears flowing down his face. Not exactly waiting for an answer she started performing the hand signs for the reaper death seal. Minato knew that there was no stopping her now, she was the one that had taught him this technique, so she trusted her. She quickly started taking power from the beast, splitting the beast equally into a yin-yang. "Minato, I need to seal this half into another, may I choose you?" Minato nodded his head, kushina smiled and sealed the yin half into Minato, and the yang into Naruto. As a last attempt to stop his sealing, the Kyubi held out his claw and pointed it toward the newborn but pushing pointed her limp body in the way, she was tired, The shinigami had held a slight amount of pity on her, allowing her to spend a few more minutes with her husband and son.

Minato was barely conscious, being sealed with a beast sound like it was very hard to stay conscious, but he was. He crawled to where his wife and son were. He put Kushina's head in his lap, holding his hand against her warm bloodied face, holding Naruto in his other. "Naruto, I want you to stay strong, bathe often and eat healthily, make lots of friends, and train hard for your goal." She said holding him slightly. "Minato I need you to stay strong for Naruto, Teach him well and give him all the love you can muster." He said with a smile on her face, using her last bit of energy she gave a kiss to Naruto and Minato. But then she felt limp, her eyes lost their shine. Minato's face scrunched up as he began sobbing. The last thing he saw was Naruto who was sound asleep before he lost consciousness.

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