2013 Extreme Rules

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May 19, 2013
St. Louis, Missouri
Scottrade Center

Scarlett was backstage along with Roman and Seth watching as their teammate and brother, Dean Ambrose went up against the high flyer and current United States Champion himself, Kofi Kingston for the WWE United States Championship

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Scarlett was backstage along with Roman and Seth watching as their teammate and brother, Dean Ambrose went up against the high flyer and current United States Champion himself, Kofi Kingston for the WWE United States Championship.

Scarlett watched with her own newly won championship slung over her shoulder as Dean grabbed Kofi by his hair and threw him into the ropes. Dean then ran to attack Kofi only for Kofi to deliver a kick to his face causing him to stumble backwards holding onto her face and checking to make sure that he wasn't injured or bleeding.

Kofi then jumped over the ropes where he was hanging onto them on the apron and then threw himself on top of Dean and went for the cover and pin only for Dean to immediately kick out at two. Kofi then crawled over to the ropes and pulled himself up by using them to help him up.

Dean then got back up to his feet and went to attack Kofi, but Kofi sent him flying over the ropes where he landed on his feet on the apron as Kofi crawled a little towards the middle of the ring to try and catch his breath a bit. Dean then held on to the middle rope waited for Kofi who turned around and back onto his feet and then went straight for Dean only for Dean to hit him in his stomach with his shoulder. Dean then stood on the apron as Kofi regained some of his strength back and then delivered Trouble In Paradise to Dean causing him to fall down off of the apron and onto the concrete floor that was outside of the ring.

Kofi laid on the mat for a bit to catch his breath as Dean laid outside of the ring trying to gain his strength back after Kofi's kick. Kofi then got out of the ring and walked over to Dean and struggled to pick him up for a moment but eventually did get Dean back onto his feet and then rolled him back inside of the ring. Kofi then got inside of the ring after Dean and rolled him over for a cover and pin only for Dean to reach out and touch the rope with his hand making Kofi have to let go of him. Dean then got to his feet and grabbed Kofi by his waist and rolled him up for the pin but Kofi immediately kicked out at two. Dean then went to attack Kofi but Kofi countered and kicked Dean in the face causing Dean to stumble backwards.

Kofi then got back onto his feet and went to deliver another Trouble In Paradise to Dean only for Dean to roll out of the way dodging the move and causing for Kofi to land on the ropes and then fall down onto the mat not being able to connect his finisher. Dean then got up from the mat and stormed over to Kofi and grabbed him by his hair and then delivered a DDT to him.

Dean then rolled over Kofi and went for the pin. "1...2...3". The referee counted and Dean ended up picking up the win and becoming the new United States Champion as the WWE Universe booed. The Shield's titatron hit as Dean got back up to his feet as the WWE Universe continued to boo him.

"The winner of this match and new United States Champion, Dean Ambrose!" Justin Roberts announced as Dean took the United States Championship from the referee and held it up in the air in victory. Seth and Scarlett were the first ones inside the ring to attack Dean in a celebratory hug as he smiled and hugged them back as Roman then joined them. All four of them celebrated Dean's victory while the referee busied himself by checking up on Kofi to make sure he was all right. Dean then held up his championship in the air as Scarlett clapped and smiled at him while the WWE Universe continued to boo.

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Dean then slung the United States Championship over his shoulder while Seth slung Dean's arm over his shoulder and bent down to pick him up with Roman then following suit

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Dean then slung the United States Championship over his shoulder while Seth slung Dean's arm over his shoulder and bent down to pick him up with Roman then following suit. They both then lifted Dean up on their shoulders and held him up while Dean held onto the United States Championship tightly.

Dean then jumped down from off of Roman and Seth's shoulders as Seth continued to celebrate for his friend and Dean hugged Roman and Scarlett before jumping and having Roman catch him as he kissed the United States Championship and then left the r...

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Dean then jumped down from off of Roman and Seth's shoulders as Seth continued to celebrate for his friend and Dean hugged Roman and Scarlett before jumping and having Roman catch him as he kissed the United States Championship and then left the ring along with the rest of The Shield.

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