Unlikely Partnership

336 13 4

----------- <--Time Jumps

Italicized <-- Thoughts

v Chapter Begins Below v


Akaguro moved silently through the darkened alley. Multiple PF cruisers roared by with sirens wailing and lights flashing. The increased activity meant that something big was happening and needed a large response. Normally, he would be the reason behind such a cacophony but today it wasn't him.

A pair of officers ran by barely glancing into the darkness before yelling 'Clear' and moving on. Nearing the edge of the light, Akaguro could hear someone else running. As they got closer he could make out the sounds of a radio and said person responding to it.

"No current signs of Seputemu in area 3-C, moving to the next district."

The owner of the voice, which was another officer, ran past the alley. The radio she wore continued blaring staticky voices. The Hero Killer went unnoticed as he stepped back into the shadows. For a moment, he couldn't believe what he heard but it all made sense.

So, you've decided to move into the heart. Stain maneuvered his way up the walls and onto the rooftops. Your boldness continues to surprise, Seputemu. He began his own search, wanting to meet the new compatriot. Making sure to keep out of sight of the PF and the fakers that decided to join in.


The Tournament of the UA Sports Festival was in full swing, and many of the teachers were focused just as much as the students. Many people were too preoccupied to check their phones. Not knowing what was going on back in the capital.

At least, the people within the UA campus were unaware. Those outside the school easily heard the news, some Villains held their breath hoping to not be the next target. Available Heroes clambered over each other to find the large powerhouse. Civilians were given the order to stay in their homes or nearby buildings.

Shigaraki was watching the festival to scope out the future generation much like the Heroes. He was still slightly shaken from his ordeal with Seputemu but his master led him back to the right path. But once again, that monster took over the news once more. Videos, in person accounts, overflowing calling centers. Every single outlet had his visage.

Shigaraki furiously mashed the buttons on the mouse, desperately trying to get that helmet off the screen. It was no use. The young man threw the device in anger, standing up and smashing it into the wall. Then he caught up with himself as he realized he was standing, ready to flee or fight. Shigaraki slumped into the chair with his limbs shaking subtly. He clenched his fists in annoyance at his sudden cowardice.

It's just a photo, he isn't here. He doesn't know where I am. He doesn't know our plans. HE knows nothing! Shigaraki repeated the new mantra. HE is no match for our Nomu! HE IS NO MATCH FOR MASTERHis conscious suddenly found that something was wrong. No, something is missing.

"Master?" Shigaraki's called out to the screen.

He only received silence, most of the time All for One would let him express his anger by staying quiet. This felt different. Worst of all, there were no reassuring words flowing from the speakers. No confident claims of soon to be victory. Until, a sound.

Something shifted and the microphone caught it. Suddenly, the room was illuminated by a bright picture on screen. Shigaraki's eyes adjusted and he realized it was actually two photos. The first was one he had already seen before. A rare capture of the Hero Killer: Stain, and current target for recruitment. The other made his breath hitch in his throat

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