4-point start

1 0 0

"On your marks!" I walk up to the line under number 6. Two foot step. Knee lined with the middle of my right foot, check. Right foot flat, check. Lastly, hands at the line, check.
"Set!" I stretch my legs up. Butt in the air.
Smoke gun fires.
Remember, no parachutes.

Ears ringing.
I am speed.

Spikes making me feel like im on cloud 9. Legs forward one by one. Arms high. Arms fast. Faster you move you arms, faster your legs move. Hunched over. I see the blue line. I move my body slowly upright. I smell sweat. I love it.

Dont look in the other lanes. Dont pay attention to the people around you. Its only you. Nobody else. Get your chest over the line first. I am first.

I hear the cheers. I smile wide. Accelerate. What you did at practice. Nothing matters anymore. You passed first. Turn my head left and right. People jogging towards me. I get hugged by my teammates. We are number 1.

Now, its not just you that matters. Its your team. Your friends. Your family. Your rivals. We are golden.

I high five all the other runners on the track. Time to get our metals. My team got gold. Not just me. I ran for them. Not myself. They matter more.

I get water sprayed on me. Me and my jersey. God i love this jersey. JAGUARS in big bold letters. Picture of a jaguar underneath. This is my life.

And it should never be any diffrent.


This book is to express my love for track.
It is to show that you are not doing everything for yourself. Your doing it for your family, friends, you name it. Maybe even the people you hate. Never say I. Always say We.

Anyways guys, lets get real! I got a new pair of spikes today. There mega cute. I love them so much! The nike sign is orange, it has orange strips and the rest of the shoe is white! They are so pretty and they fit perfectly. So its a win-win! Anyways bye!


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