How does that feel?

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     At school everyone was congratulating me. Im a nobody. Only because me and me teammates are in a good club they like me. They pretend they like me. To get fame, popularity, and love. Cause nobody loves them. They are just lousy high school kids who need a life. If i wasnt in a good track club i would probably be at the back of the school getting beat up right now. Anyways enough of that talk.

Bell rings. 1 period. Calculus. Also did I mention im one of the stupidest people ever to live on this planet? I dont care about the stupid perimeter and area of an isosceles trapezoid times by rebeccas rectangular garden with sides of 68cm and 136cm squared. I couldnt care less tbh.

I sit down in my desk but my mind is somewhere else for some reason. My mind is on two things. 1. Track practice after school (normal for me cause i love practice) 2. A guy named Kason (someone on my track team that I have only noticed just now).

Hes pretty cute- WAIT WHAT AM I THINKING??? Nononononooo. I dont have time for boys. Boys wont help me with anything except bad grades and missing track practice, but he is on the teamm. Nonono Anabelleee whay are you thinking this?? I cant. Dad raised me to be independent. Not to rely on anybody. Ill just see how practice goes..
Kason kason kason kason. GOD JUST GET OUT OF MY MIND.

He wont get out of my mind. It's impossible. Whatever.

I looked at him from across the classroom. Geez why cant he be looking at me? Oh shit i jinxed it. Uh oh hes looking at me. Help.

I smiled and looked slowly to my right. My friend looked at me.

"Whats up with you?" Kaila asks.

"Oh geez, nothing." I smiled wider at her.

"Okayyy" kaila drags out the Y.

I glanced back over at Kasen and he was STILL watching me. Im pretty sure i just turned into a tomato. I smiled and put my hand over my mouth and looked at the teacher.

Wanna know a fun fact? Yeah? Okay. Ive never actually talked to Kasen. Its sad i know. I have a crush on him and ive only heard his voice from him answering questions and walking past him talking to his friends. It's terrible. Maybe he picked something i dropped in like grade 2 or something but i dont know.

Time skip

I was on my way to my car, Volkswagen Jetta black. When this annoying kid comes up to me.

"Hey Anabella!!"

"Call me that again and see what happens"

"Dude i just wanna be friends."

"And i dont. So get over it."

"Come on you like me!! You're just trying to cover it up by being mean to me! I know it."

"Oh sweetie of coarse i would love to go our with you! Not, you bitch. Just let me live my life in peace. Not with you in it. Im not sorry so dont try to get me all soft and stuff. Only one person can make me do that and i know who it is but it's certainly not you. So shut up and make me a sandwich princess." I put my hands on his shoulders then pulled him down to knee him in the groin.

"Okay im sorry bye." He runs away.

Thats how you do it ladys! See you next time!


    I love writing this story and i hope you enjoy reading it much more! Thank you guys for everything!( ( though you guys havent done anything yet)

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