ADHD Paralysis

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ADHD paralysis - we've all been there. You know the feeling - you have a thousand things to do, but you can't seem to start any of them. You're stuck in a fog of indecision, overthinking, and distraction, like a deer in headlights (except the headlights are your own thoughts).

Here are some strategies to try:

Use the "Five-Second Rule": When you find yourself hesitating to start a task, count down from five and then dive in. This technique can help you override your brain's instinct to procrastinate.

Make a "Brain Dump" List: Write down every task, idea, or worry that's swirling around in your head. Sometimes seeing everything in one place can help you prioritize and feel more in control.

Create a Ritual: Come up with a specific routine that signals to your brain that it's time to start working. Maybe you light a candle, put on a certain playlist, or do some deep breathing exercises.

Practice Mindfulness: When you're feeling stuck, try focusing on your breath or other sensory experiences to bring you into the present moment. This can help quiet the distracting thoughts that are keeping you paralyzed.

Embrace Imperfection: Sometimes the fear of not doing something perfectly can be paralyzing. Remember, it's better to do something imperfectly than to do nothing at all. Progress, not perfection!

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