My little sailor boy Siren Eclipse x sailor sun

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So eclipse is the siren and sun is just a sailor that always come to the same place where eclipse lives and eclipse is the princes of all siren and he need a queen before it's to late before his parents choose for him and sun was a a lot of people on his ship so yeah

Eclipse pov * ugh my parents want me to get married by next month but I haven't got any boats come by but this some boat come every day so I think i might just steal there boss * see sun boat near by * oh there it is my favorite boat that comes every day

Sun pov * let hope i don't get any more of these siren again because he keeps getting my people so I got all my people to plague there ears now and then I see the siren on my boat * back way *

Eclipse pov * ohh so you mine little sailor boy and your a cute little one Sun* w what Eclipse * oh did I not say my name yet well you coming with me now hahah * garb sun and goes to the end of the boat * Sun* h hey l let m me g g-

* author here *
So I hope you like this one but what did you think is going to happen next and what is going to happen when sun realized that he gonna become the queen with the most powerful siren so byee have a good day or night byeee

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