A new face? A new enemy or forced alliance?

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A few days went by after Bullet hit Flash. And well Sonic huffed about it. Because he lost a good toy he could have had. Though at least Flash remained loyal. Though Sonic had really no good use for him. As well Eggman sent an attack. And like usual Sonic was fighting it. Though a sudden robot came down from the sky.

 Though a sudden robot came down from the sky

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As Eggman laughed. "Well hedgehog, as you got yourself a little henchmen. . . So have I! Attack!!!!"

"Of course Eggman." The robot says. And of course started attacking Sonic. Of course Flash intervening here and there. But she female seemed unfazed. As she broke Sonic's leg, shattering the kneecap. Then grabs Sonic's ear and kicking him where the shins. And ripped Sonic's dick out. And then threw him to a wall. Flash gulped and got ready to attack. As a huge robot came from behind the small one. The female sighs.

"I have this in the bag Doctor. Sonic is down."

Eggman nods. "Yes but I would rather you not get hurt. Even though you are controlling that robot from a distance. . . It still can hurt if it's destroyed."

The robot girl chuckle. "Then thank you doctor." As the female flew off.

"Now then. Let's finish what was started." Eggman says. And as the robot was going to attack a blue warp suddenly appears with a flash of light. A white blur came out of the ring and suddenly the robots leg was cut clean off. Eggman nods. As if he figured someone would have protected these two. He was glade he told the person to back off. He left and flee knowing at least the blue rodent was injured. As everything was cleared. Flash seen a female he doesn't recognize.

"That's right run away you coward!" She shouted

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"That's right run away you coward!" She shouted.

"Who are you?" Flash yelled.

Cora has joined your adventures.

The robot/green hedgehog is made from Picrew.

Cora is Miley_Tailsko_Prower

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