Cold Like Ice (Part one)- Todoroki.

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Cold Like Ice (Part one)- Todoroki.

(Tw: sick character, like cold?)

Ship: No Ship (could be taken as Iida x Todorki)

Due to his quirk Todorkoi had never reely felt hot or cold, so when he woke up freezing he was absolutely shocked.

Todoroki cocooned himself in blankets, shivering, he'd never been cold before and he hated it, he felt as if he was freezing to death.

Todoroki's morning routine was completely discarded, that being until Iida stormed into his bedroom, Midoryia not far behind him.

"Todoroki you are at least an hour behind your usual morning routine at this rate your morning shower will have to be switched for later this afternoon if you still want to get in your morning training with Shoji." Iida informed the bi-eyed boy.

Iida's 'in a matter of a fact' expression fell, replaced with one of concern at the sight of his friend shivering cold.

"Are you alright?" Iida questioned.

Midoryia turned on the light, revealing Todoroki's face that was popping out from under his many blankets, he was pale, very pale.

"Midoryia go get Mr Aizawa" Iida ordered,

Honestly if it wasn't for hte fact he was moving Iida could have mistaken his friend for a corpse.

"Cold" Todorki mumbled, nuzzling his face into his pink fluffy pillow.

"Okay, do you at least have a hoodie on?" asked Iida.

"N-No" Todoroki admitted.

"Well let's deal with that first shall we?" Iida smiled walking up to Todoroki's cupboard, opening it in search form his cold weather clothes.

Iida found that Todoroki had only four hoodies, two baby pink fluffy ones, a blue one, and a black and pink floral one.

"Do you have a preference?" Iida wondered.

"P-Pink" Todorki stuttered, freezing to the point his quirk was going crazy causing patches of ice to form on his cheeks.

"Okay pink it is" Iida chimed, turing around with the hoodie in hand.

"Oh Roki your face" Iida frowned.

Todoki's hand appeared from out from his blankets, his hand rubbing on the ice on his face until it disappeared.

Todoroki threw aside his blankets, taking the hoodie from Iida.

Iida texted Midoryia to bring more blankets and some hot chocolate, asking how far away he and Aizawa were.

According to Midoryia Aizawa wasn't on campus he had taken Tokoyami, Bakugou, and Mina to the mall for some groceries for the dorm, but he was rushing back.

Iida took his eyes off his phone.

"Okay how are-" Iida cut himself off with a saddened sigh as he watched Todoroki struggle to put on the hoodie.

"Here let me help".

Unamused at how long Midoryia was taking to come back Iida decided to text Kaminari, requesting that he brings over some blankets as he knew that Kaminari collected

large, thick, fluffy blankets.

"Kaminari's on the way with more blankets how are you doing?".

"B-bad...cold" Todorki's usually monotone voice being scratchy and shaky.

"The Blanket king has arrived!" Kaminari announced, letting himself into the room with a pile of blankets taller that him.

"Midoryia sent me up here" Momo explained, holding a light purple mug, with a blanked wrapped over one of her shoulders.

Momo handed the mug of hot chocolate to Iida before carefully dumping the blanket over Todoroki before heading towards the door "Midoryia's meeting Aizawa at the door",

Momo walked out of the room.

Todoroki started to sneeze somehow freezing sections of the walls around him.

"Woah" Kaminari exclaimed as and icicle almost stabbed him in the lower back.

"Avoid leaning on the walls" Iida instructed.

"Sleep" Todoroki wined.

Just as Todoroki sneezed, almost freezing off his own arm, Aizawa stormed in his eyes blearing red.

"God what happened here?' Aizawa asked

"We believe he woke up like this" Iida smiled symapethicly

"He may just be sick then?" Aizawa guessed

"Sleep" Todoroki mumbled before falling asleep.

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this is short because it's the first thing I've written on my new computer, leaning how it works.

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