6. Family Lunch

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~Phoenix Augustus

"How are your studies going on Phoenix?"

I heard a voice, which made me regain my attention on the dining table and the people sitting there. I then noticed that there was a plate full of spaghetti in front of me, while I was mindlessly fumbling with the fork in my hand. I redirected my gaze towards the people sitting there, when I noticed my grandfather's sharp gaze on me. I know the food kept in front of me would taste like heaven; still, I haven't even grabbed a spoonful of spaghetti to have its bite.

Family lunches just aren't for me.

This started happening when I my revisited to my grandfather's house after three months of no family lunch. Entering this place always gave me a gloomy, scary feeling which never fails to make a shiver run down my spines. It wasn't the case before since I used to pretend that I did not just peed in my pants and replace it with a very toothy smile, hoping for having only happy and peaceful memories associated with this place.

But, since my dad's visit in my room, there's just something inside me that tell me that everything happening right now, with me and everyone, is like a planned strategy of someone. And my grandparents are definitely part of this underground gang.

The shower thoughts of my last two brain cells.

I then tried to not have a whole board meeting of my brain and its brain cells right here, as I redirected my attention towards the dining table, where I was currently (unfortunately ) seated. I looked at my grandfather, then my plate, again at my grandfather, and then the plate. This cycle continued for 5-6 times when finally, I released a long sigh, shaking my head.

My grandfather narrowed his eyes, looking at me while his eyebrows furrowed together. His face expression was quite readable, for the very first in my whole life, as it radiated a strong emotion of confusion at my behavior.

I then looked around, realizing I just did something very stupid, as I just rubbed a hand on my nape and laughed awkwardly, totally forgetting the question he asked.

"Ha-ha... P-pardon?"

I somehow managed to slip my question between my awkward and ugly laughs, as I looked around the table to see my aunts about to laugh their asses off; the only thing that was stopping them was my grandmother's sharp glare. I then quickly averted my gaze towards my father. Although he was facing downwards, where his food was kept, I could see the stretch of his lips on his face.

My grandfather's loud, aggressive coughing made my attention snap back towards him, as I straighten my back, and kept both my hands on the either side of the dining table.

"This is not good, Phoenix. How can you behave so indecently? You're not just any small kid now; you're finally a legal adult. You've stepped on the age of finally having your mate. You should be more responsible and mature; you're not just living a life which is only yours. It's a life of several people of our pack. If you can't understand your responsibility, how can you take care of your mate when you'll have her, and further, the pack? You shouldn't have to be reminded that you're the next leader of Blue Crescent Pack and the next heir of G.C.A Industries."

My head snapped towards his direction with my wide eyes that showed confusion with a hint of anger.

When did this happen?

Wasn't Hunter the next heir of G.C.A Industries?

It isn't necessary for the next C.E.O of the company to be the True blooded alpha.

And it's never the leader of the pack to inherit the company.

It's always the first child, no matter what.

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