feelings can be tricky

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Rhea was 6 months she was working out still trying to keep a regime for herself once she was able to get back into wrestling she realized she had y/n on her mind recently she didn't know why but she did she missed her she missed her touch her kiss her everything but she fought back those thoughts as Dominik came over " baby you need to be relaxing this stress can be hurting the baby " he said worried placing his hand on her stomach as Rhea sighed " I don't wanna sit and relax that's just not who I am " she said to him shrugging ad Dominik hugged her " I know but I want you your doctor needs you too " he said sitting her down on her ball as she moved around on it taking deep breaths leaning against Dominik who comforted her massaging her back before lifting her stomach to remove some pressure off of her back " ugh that feels amazing " she said to him laughing slightly as Finn and a couple other friends came in the house " heyyyyy how's the pregnant lady and the baby " they asked all together holding gifts Rhea looked at them smiling " aww you shouldn't have and I'm doing wonderful " she said gently as she grabbed onto Dominik who helped her stand up walking to the couch " cmon sit down " she said to them as they sat around her Becky answered " everyone is gushing over your maternity shoot photos with Dom Dom " she giggled Rhea " I am pleased a lot of hard work went into those ans guys I don't even know the gender yet " she said opening the gifts seeing the clothes and other things Finn " have you gotten the nursery set up yet? " he asked those he doesn't have kids yet Rhea snd Dominik looked at each shaking their heads " uh no we've been busy with other stuff " she laughed nervously they were shocked " well don't worry we will help you you aren't due for another three months " Finn said getting up walking to one of the spare rooms " this will do just fine cmon let's get this stuff out and stored and redecorate " Rhea started feeling stressed out as the processed happening when the room was a quarter of the way there Finn asked about how everything loomed Rhea got up walking as she rubbed her eyes seeing double before collapsing onto the couch luckily Dominik ran over quickly picking her up " keep working on the room and babyproofing my house " he said fast leaving in a hurry confused what happened he though before getting to the emergency room " help my wife! " he yelled as the doctor took her away testing her for anything results came back as toxiemia Rhea woke up " where's my baby! " she said rapidly holding her stomach Dominik held her close " easy your aren't due for another three months " he said to her kissed head as the doctor came in " have you been under stress lately " The doctor asked " well just planning for the baby and not being able to wrestle has gotten me stressed out " she said gently " well you have toxiema you'll have to be on bed rest " Rhea nodded as the doctor let them go as she started cry " aww honey what's wrong? " Dominik asked her " I feel like a failure as a mother my baby has a disease because I couldn't stop stressing " she said wiping her eyes and getting into the car Dominik kissed her head rubbing her back " baby you are a great mother you did nothing wrong "  he said driving home turning her favorite song and smiled singing with her once they got home he brought her to the bedroom laying her down and kissed her head " now relax watch TV and do not get up " he said before walking away shutting the door Finn asked " everything okay? " he asked him gently Dominik turned to them " she's on bedrest for the rest of her pregnancy because of her stress levels she feels guilty about it so I'm gonna treat her like a goddess for these next three months " he said softly before helping with stuff checking on Rhea every now then

Y/n was out on the balcony staring into space she was thinking about Rhea she was conflicted before Damian broke her out of the gaze " hey dear ready for work? " he asked her softly y/n turned around " I thought we had a week off since we don't have much to do " Damian " oh yeahhhh we doooo " he laughed pulling her close and kissed her head rubbing her back swaying gently

Rhea Ripley x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now