Y/N and Rhea share a moment

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Rhea was on her final weeks of pregnancy as she was getting frustrated with having to be bedridden complaining to dom every second he just laughed about it, y/n and Damian had come over Dominik was cleaning up things " hey guys! Rhea is in the bedroom if you wanna see her " Y/n went to Rhea immediately as she looked at her " heyyy mami how have you been " she asked sitting down next to her smiling softly placing her hand on her stomach feeling kicks " I wanna move y/n I hate just sitting here doing nothing I'm craving the gym and the need to move " she leaned back before looking y/n as she blushed seeing her again made her happy and rekindle those feelings that never left y/n giggled softly and hugged her happily " I know don't worry once you are able to get back you'll be back soon " she said looking at her face they were they kissed each other lips as she smiled " God how I've missed those lips " she said gently before the door open those two pulling away Dominik had brought her in n out " I brought your craving mami " he said happily Rhea smiled and kissed his lips " thanks baby " she said feeling a sharp kick " damn this baby is kicking me hard " she took a deep breath she started eating what she hadn't realized she was in labor her contractions were 9 - 8 minutes apart already she ate happily Y/n giggled softly " see what I had to deal with when I was pregnant with Lily and Grace " she laughed teasingly Rhea felt another jolting a little " fuck! " she said finishing her food " save the rest these kicks are taking a number on me " the others had walked in as she took a deep breath Dominik heads to the kitchen setting it in the  fridge before heading back Damian asked " so when is the little stinker due? " he asked Rhea " hopefully soon I only have a few weeks left " she said to Damian another sharp pain ran through her body grabbing the pillow Dominik gave her a heating pad to help as Dominik rubbed her stomach Y/n then realized " are you sure you aren't laboring because usually kicks don't hurt for this long " she answered gently Rhea looked at her " it's too early there's no the baby is a few weeks early " she said worriedly feeling another pain this time they were closer about 2 - 3 minutes apart leaning against dom breathing heavily he pressed a cold rag against her head " babies know how to be born rhea and if this baby is coming now then your gonna have it here " Rhea was afraid " what no i can't I have to have it at hospital " she said fast feeling another jolt of pain " here get on your ball dear " Dominik said helping her up and setting her on it as she rubbed her stomach bouncing gently she was in pain and you could holding onto dom Becky came over placing the cold rag on her head before sighing " Okay I'm gonna ask this I'm not a professional but is it okay if I remove her pants and check you incase you are laboring " Rhea nodded feeling another sharp pain as she lifted up Becky slowly started removing her underwear and pants " deep breaths mama " she said throwing her pants to the side " Okay let's get you on the bed " she said helping her to the bed laying down as Becky said " Okay I'm gonna check now men in the room be warned " she said before opening up rheas legs feeling her " oh yeah she's in labor in a couple more minutes she'll be at 10 and she'll be ready everything looks good " Becky answered Dominik sat next to her and kissed her head rubbing her cheek " you will be okay baby " Rhea was panicking " no no I can't not here I need the hospital! " she squeezed his hands  her contractions were now minutes apart it would not be long now before the baby was here Becky " Okay we are gonna take off your clothes leaving you in just your bra " she said to her helping her with her shirt as Rhea screamed in agony Y/n got up next her " go get her some more cold rags Damian now! And Seth keep grace and lily away! " she said worriedly looking at Rhea who's face was in pain, Becky checked her again " it's time Rhea " Rhea shook her head " no no! " she screamed squeezing dom's hand and y/n crying as Damian patted her head with the new cold rag, Becky " you can do it honey you are strong very strong alright now push " Rhea leaned against Dominik pushing screaming and gasping taking a deep breath " fuck it hurts I can feel everything! " Rhea screamed Becky " dom come hold her leg please " she said to him placing towels and watching " now next contraction push " she said to her Dom came over opening her legs as Rhea leaned against Y/n squeezing a big contraction came as she pushed once more screaming gasping and crying " I can't do it! I can't! " she yelled out as Damian came over and placed the cold rag on her chest " yes baby you can just keep pushing its okay we are here " he said trying to reassure but she was angry " I have no medicine to accompany this fucking pain! " she yelled pushing again the middle of the head was out now the worst the third of the head she was still pushing gasping she felt dizzy Becky " almost done honey two more pushes your baby is almost here! " Dominik was crying he was watching his baby be born in their own house Rhea nodded leaning her head forward pushing again " sonvabitch! " she screamed squeezing their hands Y/n rubbed her back as Rhea sat up a bigger contraction came out as Rhea pushed and it was over Becky smiled sucking the animotic fluid out of the mouth and nose the baby cried she showed them " it's a boy Rhea you have a boy " she said cleaning off the baby as Rhea felt more pain down there again she cried looking at dom as she felt the need to push again and she did well her body she sobbed " what's happening!? " she sobbed in pain Becky ushered dom to get down there and Seth to hold her leg she was still cleaning the baby boy Dominik looked seeing a head " its... another baby! " he said everyone was stunned " twins!? We didn't prepare for twins! " she said worriedly looking at them she kept pushing before collapsing after the second baby was out dom got up and cleaned it off " we have a girl honey " he said to Rhea nodded before Becky and Dom handed the twins over and they cleaned her up luckily there was no rips in her vaginal area Becky covered up Rhea " what will you name your babies " she asked Rey came in as he saw his grand babies " oh my.... " he teared up heavily Rhea smiled looking at Rey before saying " I'll name the male Chris Rey Mysterio and the female Clementine Demi Mysterio " She said gently as she fed them happily Finn smiled " nice picks Rhea " he said gentle Dominik smiled happily as Y/n kissed her head rubbing her cheek

After a little bit Rhea was relaxing and the twins were in the nursery luckily they had a spare and set the twins down Becky looked at Dom " how does it feel to he a daddy now dom dom " she asked him happily Dominik wiped his eyes looking at his babies " it's amazing I have two babies " he said happily as he brought grace and lily " look at your siblings you have a brother and another sister now " he said quietly.
A/N - MAJOR PLOT TWIST!!!! Rhea Ripley has twins boy and girl who are identical!!!! :) her and y/n shared a little moment

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