Chapter 16 (part-1)

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Author Pov


"Sir you will have to attend the board meeting today. Since we sold our 15% shares to Rajshree & Co, the CEO will be attending the board meeting today."

"It's been a year they bought the shares why the sudden meeting?"

"No idea sir, but you will need to be there."

Just what I needed on the third day of marriage. Fucking great. Rishabh cursed sarcastically. He closed his eyes in frustration and gave his secretary a nod of approval before leaving the room.


Mishti was startled to the core when she opened her eyes only to be met with Rishabh's eyes. She looked around confused.

"This is my room? what are you doing here? "

"Well since we are married and you keep forgetting that. I've decided to do all the things that newly weds would do." he said as he unfolded his hands and stood up from the bed.

"What about the 'giving me space and time' it's over in two days? Can't say I am surprised"

"I am." he said and after a short pause he continued.

"I am giving you space and time considering the fact that everything in me wants to be beside you, hug you to all my heart and keep you to myself, yet I am here on a chair 3 feet away from you is, me giving you space and time" he stared at her with such a passion that it made her uncomfortable.

"You are such an manipulative bastard" she whispered looking down and got out of the bed making him stand up.

"You can stay here, I am leaving I can't deal with you anymore" she said done with his stupid tantrums that one would consider adorable and childish if they didn't share the history she did with him.

"You have to. You have to deal with me, you know why? cause I am your goddamn husband. I am done with you running away from me. I will give you all the space and time you want but you have to give me a chance. You have to and you will" he said trying to grab her wrist but she stepped away causing his eyes to get moistened with hurt.

"Leave it, I got you breakfast, let's eat together" he said ignoring his hurt and getting the table set up to eat.

"I am not hungry" she said and looked away.

"Eat baby. or else my sister in law, dearest Kavi will be getting no food for a week"

"You bastard. I don't care. You will never change. You disgust me. Do what you want. I won't fucking eat." she challenged him, raging in anger as she threw the nearest lamp on his feet and stormed off.


"Let me out you dumb head sucking leech" Mishti seethed in anger as she stormed towards him.

Leech. Damn his love really had a thing for calling him nick names Huh. Just wait till this leech sucks love from that pretentious cold heart of yours he thought and smirked.

"You can't do this." she said shaking her head in anger, while he found it adorable, Mishti was in panic, it's a very important day for her and if he doesn't let her out then.. no no she didn't even want to think of that possibility.

"What do I need to do? " she said pinching her nose bridge in annoyance.

He smiled glee fully, which annoyed her so much, if only she could, she would scratch his smile, his face better yet she would scratch his existence out of this earth.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2023 ⏰

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