chapter 1: questionnaire

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"Ava, stop playing with your food, it's getting cold" mom gave me one last glare.

"But why would a fan kill their-" I was cut off my by now annoyed mother.

"For the 100th time, I do not know" She said, totally done with me.

I left my food and went upstairs to jot down the points I had came up with whilst putting all my effort. I haven't had sleep for a week straight and safe to say, I look like the killer itself.

What killer? Well the killer who was apparently a huge 'fan' of Riley Vaine, a worldwide sensation. She was found murdered in her apartment 15 years ago but no one really cared about the case but here I am to uncover all the secrets.

I remember being only seven when the news of her death flashed on every television around the world. She was a very respected woman in the field of Hollywood and social work.

Younger me got interested in clearing our cases that I would solve cases I made on my own for my dolls. Pretty glad to say, I, now a twenty-two year old is finally a detective. I mean after my graduation which is after six months or so.

This was an assignment that would be graded and this would make up fifty per cent of my grade, well atleast it's a case I enjoy. My class fellow got cases related to theft and all, not saying that is not so important but worse.

I took out a huge pile of documents I had found up on the internet related to the case. Google and Wikipedia were the first sites I referred to after getting full on authority with the case.

I was told to contact Riley's lawyer but there wasn't any information about one specific lawyer. I had sent out an email to some of the witnesses I found, no reply still.

"Ava, now stop ignoring my texts." Ennah barged in, all fancied up.

"Since when are you getting married?" I stared at her, weirded out.

"Says the one looking like a messed up potato." She let out a giggle on my annoyed sigh. "Come on, Vozenilek. We're late for Sean's party."

"There's a party?" I looked at her and before she said anything I refused. I am not getting up from here until I dig some dirt out of this case.

Knowing Ennah since childhood, she doesn't take 'no' for an answer. Soon, in thirty minutes, I was all fancied up.

"Now that's a good looking potato. You've gotten pale" She chuckled.

"I've lost sleep and gotten pale, at this point I think I'll get haunted by Riley herself" I whined, slightly.

"I won't be surprised if you would claim to see her in the party. You could dig out a cockroach's case and still win."

"That's your girl"

She face palmed at my reply and went out, me following alongside.

The whole car ride was silent and my thoughts just speaking out. I had gotten an email from one of the witnesses.

United Kingdom,

15 March 2009

Hey Avalynn!
Thank you for contacting me, I am Kathy John. A close friend of Riley. I was so delighted to learn that this case was taken back to research.

For the questions you asked, Riley was an amazing person till the end. She was originally going for a shoot when she got murdered. Denmark was not a place that she lived in.

The killer had texted her a few times but she never really looked into it. Although, I had noticed a different tone in him or her. It was deadly. I was concerned but Riley told me not to think about it that much.

I'll try to look through the last texting conversion I had with Riley and would let you know.

Thank you for taking on my best friend's case again.

Yours truly,
Kathy John Lawrence.

Atleast someone replied. She seems like a good person and someone who I can get information out too.

Now I really hope I don't run into anyone new in this party. I am in no mood to interact with people.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2023 ⏰

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