Cold Hands 4

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Bell flashed his badge and explained the situation as they were given the room number.They stepped off  of the elevator and knocked onto the room door and entered "Marcus Turner?"she asked the man sitting in the bed,he coughed and wheezed "the one and only" he sat up and they both could see the damage done,his left hand was missing. "Yer' pretty,too pretty to not be a fed" his laughed hollowed,Phoebe ignored him "guy who did this must've been prr-uhty pissed about something"she nodded to his hand "took a blow to the lung instead of a bullet,that's something"she laughed halfhearted-ly. "I gave the local PD my description"he said "guy was a lunatic" he rasped "wanna tell me more?" She said flashing her badge "DT Phoebe Burns" she sat in the chair "I was coming out of the conference room around 10pm walking to my car,I had parked a couple blocks away due to people taking up parking spaces.Some guy started following me on my way there I guess he didn't think I'd seen him,I was trying to get my keys out of my pocket and then I don't remember what else happened,must've knocked me out or something,woke up here and without a hand" he grunted. "You're a pretty powerful man Mr Turner,got any idea of who would want to kill you?"she finished writing in her notepad. "Old money type of kid,Francis Newbury,funds the local kid's hospital after his old man died,we were in the same conference,he didn't take too kindly to any of my opinions" he said,Phoebe raised an eyebrow and tilted her head in acknowledgment "that'll be all Mr Turner" she patted the bed and exited the room,Bell following behind her. "Think he's telling the truth?" He said putting his hands in his pocket "Guy takes his hand and attempts to kill 'em?" She chuckled "even I would sing like a bird" she shrugged getting into the car. "I'll let the local PD know about this but for now we gotta check in with the forensics" he pulled out of the parking lot onto the highway,he broke the silence "you know,thank-you...for the kind words even if we may not have the best history" she inhaled at hearing that "Doesn't mean I didn't and don't love you and care about your well being,I need an alert boss on the field not a half asleep one" she said pushing her sunglasses on top of her head.He laughed "you wouldn't let me mark you" she joined in on his laughter "for good reason Bell,I refuse to be anyone's property" she smiled "still got that free spirit and fire" he looked over at her chuckling "don't ever change that Pheebs" he smiled and parked,gazing at her intently. "I don't plan on it Jay".

My Shadow Is His HostageOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora