Chapter 1

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(Joy's POV)
I woke up in a dull room. I looked around and saw a man and a woman. "We are your parents," the man said. "We crashed the car and you got a severe concussion," the woman said. Just then, a doctor walked in. "Oh, she's awake," he said. She can come home. It will take her a while to get her memory back, but she should be back to normal in about a week or two," he said. "We cant take her. We're broke," the woman replied. I fell asleep and woke up close to a ceiling. I was in a bunk bed. I looked around and saw a sign that said, "Adopt and Help a Child Today." Am I in an adoption center?
[3 days later]
I met a bunch of people here. Some of my friends got adopted today. I mean, I was happy for them, but I know that no one will ever want me.
[The next morning]
More people are leaving one by one. I'm beginning to think I'll be here forever. I looked around and I saw a woman with curly brown hair walk in with a man wearing a shirt that said "Love. Swag. Poop."

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