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Mei clasped his hands behind his back, still keeping a slight smile on his face. He turned his gaze to the shorter slayer, wanting to start a conversation.

"So, are you hashira?" began Mei, looking expectantly at the newly met man.

"Mn," Giyuu nodded. "I'm the water hashira, Tomioka Giyuu," he replied looking straight ahead.

"Well, it's very nice to meet you Tomioka-san. Tell me, where are we going now?"

"We're go to the Butterfly mansion, you will spend the nights there so I'm going to show you where it is. You'll train hard from now on with every hashira. Do you think you can handle it?" he finally raised his head, looking at Mei.

"Of course. You don't know what I'm capable of Tomioka-san." He replied with a smile. Tomioka only flinched at this and nodded.

There was a momentary silence. Mei looked around, carefully examining everything with his eyes. Tomioka, on the other hand, felt nervous. He had no idea how human interactions worked, and deep down he hoped to be friends with Mei. After all, he was the only person here who wanted to talk to him anyway. However, he decided to speak up, starting a topic that he was interested in.

"Mei-san" he started as he had the taller's eyes on him again "If I may ask what is Star Breathing? I've never heard of it"

"Few people have heard of it. Star Breathing was created by my ancestor who was friends with the first demon slayer who created breathing styles. Every breathing style is made from Sun Breathing, except for Star Breathing," explained the white-haired man.

"Star Breathing is not from Sun Breathing? How so?"

"You see, every style is related to Sun Breathing to some extent, more or less. But Star Breathing is a completely different attack pattern than the rest. It was made to attack many enemies at once, or to deal as many cuts as possible in one swing of the blade. It's like you're trying to cut through all the stars in the sky in a fluid motion without stopping." The taller man looked up at the clear blue sky. "It takes a lot of input, strength and require being very flexible. It's not easy to learn, but it's really effective," he finished his statement. He looked at Giyuu, who was looking at him curiously. He smiled and looked ahead again "If you want, I can show you what it looks like later. And in return, you show me your style. Do we have a deal, Tomioka-san?"

"Mn," the black-haired man nodded, "I'd like to know more. I didn't know there was a style that didn't come from Sun Breathing. I'm sure everyone will want to hear about it. How long did it take you to learn this breathing?"

"Hm" The elder made a thoughtful face "16 years in total. I started when I was 7 years old and only recently managed to master all the forms when I turned 23. At 15 I unlocked the demon slayer mark so I trained even harder. It took definitely too long but I have never failed to kill a demon or even an entire group od them" he replied as they approached the Butterfly Mansion.

"Tell me, why did you choose Star Breathing?"

"Oh, for two reasons. It's very effective, and I wanted more people to know about it. I wouldn't want such a powerful breathing style to be forgotten by history."

Giyuu nodded as they both reached their destination. He led Mei inside, where screams could already be heard.

"Tanjiroooo! Tell him to stop!" cried a familiar voice. Of course it was Zenitsu.

Tomioka and Mei went inside and then stood in the doorway of the room where the screams were coming from. Inside, Zenitsu was lying on the floor, Inosuke was tugging on him and Tanjiro was trying to calm them down. Suddenly, Zenitsu saw Mei out of the corner of his eye.

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