Hollow Mind (pt 3)

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- "did you see? Belos is not what you think!"

- "What if he's remembering wrong?"

- "Hunter...admit it, belos, he's not the kind of person as you see him, besides, you saw the damage he did to the town!"

- "It's his way of teaching... or raising awareness"

- "THERE IT IS!!!" Addy yelled

- "Who?"


- "Let's go after him"

- The boy slipped into another memory. Luz, Addy, Hunter went after him.

- This time the scenery was the same but it was snowy.

- Luz and co went after the child and reached a point on the snowy hill.

- "What's the kid doing?"


- "Look at what wild magic has done to your city, now imagine what it's doing you, a city can rise from the ashes  but a soul..."

- "What's does that mean?"

- " I can make your magic pure again as the titan intended"

- The guard puts a glove on his hand and gives the people their respective covens.

- "Welcome to your new covens"

-  The sigils began to shine... People innocently did not know what was happening.

- Branches began to come out petrifying people and leaving them unconscious.

- "They're still alive" Said the guard

- "Then we still have work to do, gather the palisman"

- The guard picked up the palismans, belos ripped one off"

- Luz, Hunter, Addy looked disgusted at the scene.

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