Chapter 28: Carry me Home

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The next morning, everyone had breakfast before proceeding to the preparations for the forming of the portal. Just before they left, Julie kissed jays cheek and said "See you soon...and I do mean soon" before giving him a stern look. He nodded before walking out the door with everyone and getting into his truck. They drove for about twenty minutes until they reached the same fields on the outskirts of the city and pulled over and walked a good ways into the center of the fields . Jay smiled and said," We've done this before, hopefully now we won't have any interruptions...but since I remember the battle only, I'll plot the position and you guys supply the'll take a ton of it to navigate through the twisted timescape, so we'll have to distribute the power equally so when we arrive we won't be completely exhausted".

Everyone closed their eyes and began the power transfer, carefully monitoring for any signs of corruption but everything proceeded without a hitch and the power level required was now reached. Jay, now deep in meditation struggled as he plotted the course but eventually, he completed the process and locked onto the point just after Andrea was about to jump off the roof and die. The portal opened and they all went through and for the first time, they were all fully conscious and got to see the twisted timeline roll by as if it were old-timey film reels on a projector. 

When they arrived, they were standing on the roof of the Mendoza house, staring down at a bloody body and an unconscious young version of Jay. Their eyes stayed glued to it until Maya interrupted and pointed to the giant time portal that was starting to close and said "Let's go...Carlos and Victoria when he splits, you follow him all the way to the arena and we'll follow the second one and destroy him and you'll meet us there...I know it won't be easy". Victoria nodded and said "alright" as the two pairs headed through the portal before it quietly closed.

They followed Agathor and sure enough, just like the gods said, he split into two, and Jay and Maya nodded and followed him while Victoria and Carlos stayed in the timestream. He began to split again, but Victoria fired on him with chaotic energy before Carlos hit him with a combo of both which caught him off guard and weakened him. Victoria trapped him in a harmonic bubble while Carlos opened the proper time portal and threw him inside and back into the arena for past Andrea and Jay to defeat. They followed him while cloaked and watched the battle, fearing he would attempt some sort of trickery but he didn't, the battle carried on as it was supposed to. 

Meanwhile, Jay and Maya emerged from the portal over some jungle area, behind the second Agathor and prepared to attack, until he turned around. He smiled and said, "Look what we got here; two pesky gnats that need to be exterminated". He immediately opened fire on them both but they quickly dodged but they were in shock my how powerful that blast was and then it clicked. Jay realized that the reason they originally beat Agathor so easily was that before he arrived at the arena again, he gave his clone most of his power and that they were now gonna face said power.

Jay nodded at Maya and they both went in opposite directions, peppering Agathor with hits until it seemed they had drained him. As Jay closed in to give him a good hit, he got up and blasted Jay at point-blank range, sending him flying into the ground. While he was distracted, Maya scored several direct hits, before she too was hit, but her shield took the hit. As Jay lay there, he saw his wife's angry face mouthing the words "get up " and without a second thought, he got back up and charged at Agathor and focused on his core, before unleashing everything he had, which by the sound of Agathor's groans, was really effective.

As Jay lost his power, he began to hurdle to the ground, but someone caught him; it was Victoria. She gently sat him down and said "Rest for a minute, we'll handle this" Before she flew off with Carlos and in tandem with Maya, they continued to draw his fire and alternated on targeting his core. Agathor called for his children but before they could arrive, May, Carlos, and Victoria charged him and together, destroyed him in a Giant tearing explosion. After the blinding light subsided, they flew down to check on Jay who was now coughing up blood and dying. As they circled him, he started laughing for a few minutes before he smiled and said "How ironic, I talked about not making the same mistake as Andrea but here I am suffering the same fate as she did".

He smiled and said, "At least I accomplished the mission and time should be resetting soon...thank you all for believing in me and supporting in me...I could've have made this possible without you guys...I lo-".He took his last breath before he could finish the sentence just as the ground began to shake and the sky began to crackle...time was resetting. 

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