10- Live For

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    Hi, I'm Shuku Tsuki... the mother of Ginno Tsuki. Ginno was born when I was 21. But let me teach you my story. I was born with a blessing. I had white hair and could control silver. I was the only person in the silver moon to be born with this blessing. Besides the myth of Moonlight, the story of an 11 year old girl who suddenly could control silver. For this the Silver royal family envied me, despite their ability to possess the same power. I guess they felt I didn't deserve it. Though it made me a great ally, so I was allowed into the legion at 15 without training. I was positioned as a chariot. There I bonded with the royal family and other knights. 2 years after I joined, we planned to attack the golden royal palace. I was sent inside to make sure everything was okay for the rest of the knights to go. I walked through the castle in a servant's uniform. 

    "Hey you", a voice shouted. I turned to see Alofa Light. She was betrothed to the future king, Prince Francis. "Hello", I said. She looked me up and down. As if she was waiting on something. I stood there, staring back. "Will you not bow? And take that hat off when talking to me". "I would prefer not, ma'am". She snatched my hat and my white hair fell to the bottom of my back. I sighed and hung my head. "Looks like I have to kill y-". "Wait-"! She started to run her fingers through my wavy hair. "It's beautiful". She looked at me as a whole. "You're... gorgeous", she smiled. "Do you not know that I am a silver spy"? "Who cares? The prince is having an affair with a friend of mine anyways. What's your name"? "I am Shuku Tsuki". "Nice to meet you... I think we will be very good friends". "I have to go back and let my people know it's okay for them to attack the castle". "Okay, just give me an hour to get out of here", Alofa laughed. 

    She ran off and I stood there in awe. "She still has my hat", I thought. I went off and reported back to the Right bishop. "Thank you, you've done well Shuku". During the attack, Alofa was nowhere to be found. On my way home, I stopped at a food stand. I felt someone grab my shoulder. I quickly turned around while pushing the person. As I saw it was Alofa, I caught her. "I apologize... what the hell are you doing here", I asked. "I wanted to come find you. I said we'd be good friends", she smiled. I scoffed, "You think I as a silver knight, can befriend a golden royal". "Well... I'm not a royal yet", she shrugged. I chuckled, "You're a wild one, Alofa". I turned around and grabbed my food. I started to walk away, but Alofa trailed behind me. Alofa put her cloak back on to shield her identity. She was in Silver moon after all. "Hello, Shuku". I looked up to see York. York was the left chariot. 

    "Hi, York", I grinned. York was pretty cute. He was tall and muscular. He had slightly tanned skin and black hair. "What are you doing at this time of night", he asked. "I was just getting something to eat before I went home". York nodded his head, "Who's this"? Alofa waved. "This is a slave I found running though here. I'm taking her to the palace". "Ok, cool. See you tomorrow", he said, walking away. I continued my path home. "Are you just gonna follow me this whole time"? "I'm curious to see the home of a peasant", she laughed. "Peasant", I repeated. "Are you not one. An aristocrat wouldn't have to fight". "Exactly, I don't have to do anything. I'm fighting for my god and for my country". We got to my home and Alofa gasped. "This is nicer than expected. Pretty good for a... peasant". Alofa and I started to hang out every time we could. Like she'd predicted, we became good friends. One day York and I were on shift in the safe. It was where the silver royal family kept all their secrets. 

    Only chariots knew where it was. I'd written down where it was located in case of emergencies. "You know... I really like working with you", York said. I smiled, "I like working with you too". When I lifted my head, York was in front of me. He leaned down and kissed me. As he let me go, I smiled. "Will you... be my girlfriend"? "Of course I will". When I left, I immediately went to tell Alofa. For a second, she looked disappointed. "I'm happy for you", she smiled. I hugged her and left shortly after. 6 years passed and I fell pregnant. After I told Alofa we didn't talk as much. But with a baby on the way, I didn't have time to worry. One day, York came home in distress. "What's the matter"? "They're going to be taking me away very soon. But you have to promise me our baby lives... keep this family alive". "What, who's taking you? What's going on"? He kissed me and then my stomach. "I love you... and I love you too... Ginno". That was the first baby name he'd ever mentioned. 

    Just then, the doors burst open. "York Greyhound, you are being arrested for treason. You have the right to remain silent, you will now be taken to trial", the knights said. "Wait, what did he do! What's happening", I cried. "No, we have a baby! You can't take him away", I sobbed. The years without York passed. I was never told whether he was executed or imprisoned. When Ginno was 9, I went back to work. I joined back in my place as the right bishop. I had gotten a few letters from Alofa, but that was it. She told me when she got married, pregnant, and pregnant again. Her last son even had the same birthday as Ginno. Although we didn't talk anymore, nothing would stop her being my best friend. I hadn't told her about Ginno. Two years later, a small war occurred in Golden Sun. It was an attack on the castle. Yet the fight had moved outside.

    I saw Alofa, looking around in fear. I ran to her, "Alofa"? I took off my helmet. She smiled, but it quickly dropped. "Shuku... hi". "Hi, you need to get out of here", I said, looking around. I led her to a spot I knew would be safe. The golden knights had already ambushed it. I ran back, confused about where to go. "Leave me be, just go fight", Alofa said. "I can't just let you get hurt". Alofa's eyes were quickly filled with fear. I turned around and saw a sword in the air. They attempted to stab Alofa, but I stepped in front of her. The sword went straight through my back. I grabbed Alofa's shoulders to keep me standing. As I choked up my own blood I looked her in the eyes. "Take care... of my daughter", I gasped. "Daughter"? "Ginno", I said, everything going black. And that's my story. There were few things I wanted to live for. Ginno... Alofa... York... and my job. Yet they were all things I still would die for.

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