14- Wait no longer

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    "Look at her... she can't even control her own anger", Lilian laughed. Dukein stood up. "Leave or I will have you escorted out by force"! Lilian got closer to Duke. "Calm down you buffoon. You aren't the king just yet. And I'm afraid that until you find a wife, you won't be", she giggled. I looked at Duke. He looked back to make sure I hadn't heard. "Is that true"? "Yes, but it doesn't matter", he said, grabbing my hand. "Duke...", I frowned. "Well I guess I should be taking my leave now. I wouldn't want to steal your spotlight... Ginno". Lilian left and Duke and I sat back down. I hung my head. "Am I stopping you from becoming king". "Ginno it-"? "Yes or no Duke". Duke stayed quiet for a bit... "Technically yes. But it is also my own choice". "You've been preparing to become king for years. And you're going to let one mere woman stand in your way". "If that one mere woman is you... I guess so". 

    "I don't know if you've changed in the 7 months I met you. But you truly are not the same Prince Dukein Golden I knew before", I whispered. "Is that a good thing or a bad thing Ginno"? I turned to him. "I do not know. But the same way I would do anything for my kingdom, you should too". "What are you saying"? "I'm saying that this all might be a childish dream. A silver knight and gold royalty...it shouldn't have even been a thought. We both have duties we need to fulfill and we both stand in the way of each other". "So you want to end this", he asked. "Of course I don't... but it would be best... for both of us". I turned back to Duke to see a tear drop rolling down his face. "Duke-". He got up and stormed out of the ballroom. I got up and ran after him. "Duke", I shouted from down the hall. I caught up with him and grabbed his shoulder. 

    "In this cruel world, the only thing I can say I've truly wanted is you, Ginno"! His mask was off, I stared at him watching him cry for the first time. "Now you're telling me I can't even have that. I truly am cursed, GOD what have I done to deserve this"? "The chauffeur is outside to bring you home. Keep the dress and the mask. I'll see you tomorrow", he said, walking away. I was driven home. As I walked through the door, everyone looked at me in awe. "What the hell are you all staring at"? York looked at me with tears in his eyes. "You look just like your mother", he said walking up to me. "Is this her mask"? I nodded my head. I walked to my room and slammed the door. I quickly changed into my chariots armor. Since I was giving up love for my kingdom, I was gonna do every single thing in my power to get it back. Because if not, I would only go back to him.

    Armona burst through the doors of my room. "What are you doing", she asked. "What does it look like I'm doing"? "Did something happen with the Prince"? "No, just let me do this one thing", I said, pushing past her. I walked outside, my sword already drawn. For a bit, I thought no one was going to come. "You again", a voice said behind me. I turned around to see the same gold knight I'd been fighting. "I'm in a bad mood, so let's get this over with", I thought. "I fear I won't go easy on you today", the gold knight warned me. I shrugged my shoulders. I charged right into the fight. I aimed for the neck but they blocked in. They hit me in the chest and I stumbled back. I ran past them, slicing through their armor. Sadly, I didn't cut deep enough to kill them. I got up and turned around. They looked down at their cut armor. Slowly, the armor became fixed. "I forgot they were royalty", I thought. 

    Prince Brian was more of a challenge than I thought he would be. "Now... back to you", they said, looking up at me. I did a low kick, knocking them onto their back. As they lied on the ground, I raised my sword, ready to stab it into their face. But instead I stuck it into the ground right next to them. "You are an honorable opponent... you will not die today", I said. I grabbed my sword and ran off. As I entered the doors of the bar, Armona shoved me. "What in Tsukuyomi's name is wrong with you"! I removed my helmet. "You could've died out there? You didn't tell us where you were going, not even a warning Ginno"! "I'm sorry", I said, hanging my head. "But at least you're alive", she said, hugging me. I changed my clothes. "So about the scrolls", Anzen said. "Your father thinks you might find some of the answers in the safe". "You all wanna go back to the palace"? "If that's what it takes, then yes", Kane said. 

    I thought about it, "Okay. But we need to come up with a plan". Anzen and I will watch outside again. "Dad, you'll lead the way while Armona and I trail behind you and take out any guards". "Okay". "So, do you remember the way to the safe"? "I guarded it for years... I'll never forget". "Great, we have to do all this as quickly as possible".  We returned to the palace. "Are you all ready"? Everyone either said yes or nodded their heads. Anzen and Kane stood watch while we made our way back into the palace. Armona and I followed my father throughmany rooms before reaching one with a large doors and a chain. The chain was very dusty and covered in cobwebs. "Looks like they haven't touched it since the ambush".

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