CHAPTER 12: Advancements in Rank

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Fern stood quietly as he rode the elevator.

No amount of anxiety was stopping him from this meeting, if he liked it or not.

He had been on a few missions since the 'Osiris Incident' and was getting close to a promotion...but he was called to a meeting on Kena out of nowhere.

The elevator doors broke him out of his train of thought...and he began to walk again.

The Republic Operations Tower was a large skyscraper at the center of Kena's largest cities. And it was a symbol of pride.

But he was given a few odd looks by some of the people in the waiting area. A man dressed in full solider gear walking in was a strange sight.

Fern walked up to the counter, and spoke to the droid which manned it, a large arm which fell from the ceiling. With a camera for a face.

"Ferrna Akrcana" he said out loud, somewhat embarrassed by his real name.

The camera face droid adjusted its lenses, then spoke.

"2. 02. You are expected."

Fern nodded as the gate to the droids right opened for him, and he walked though.

A small stair climb and a few seconds walk later, he was at the room. And was let in.

Sitting in the room already, was Johna Meia. A higher up in the Kenian army. And Sakuna! Who had recovered quite well from the Ammit Virus.

"Welcome to the meeting, Mister Akrcana." Johna said, standing up and holding his hand to Fern.

"Mr. Meia! To what do I owe this pleasurable meeting-?" Fern smiled, lying through his teeth. He wasn't the biggest fan of the man...

"Well, I heard about your...Osiris Incident. And I also delved into your twos files a bit."

Sakuna looked confused.

"Our Files?"

"Yes Miss Koeta, your files." Johna said, guiding Fern to sit down and sitting down himself.

"Lets start with Ferrna." He said, pulling up a holographic notebook.

"Devoted Tekugami follower, formerly a factory worker, with a side hustle from street fights..."

Fern looked down at his hands as Johna spoke...

"And Miss Koeta! Sycanoian refugee with ties to the Haven Cult! Great surprise that!!!" Johna said in fake shock.

Sakuna tensed at the word 'Haven'.

"But...I see a future in you both. Specifically..." He kept going, then grabbed two specialized tablets out of his bag and handed them to the two.

They were large, with a removeable pen attachment and a sleek case.

The screen lit up and showed the Kenian Ranger Crest. A eagle with its wings spread out widely, and holding a rifle in its talons.

Text appeared under the symbol, reading...

"Ranger Program Ver 4.6"

"I hope you accept the offer, good day." Johna said, before leaving the meeting room without another word.

"...Rangers." Sakuna whispered in disbelief.

"We have to take it." Fern argued.

Sakuna didn't speak, and just nodded.

Kamryn sat in bed, quietly texting a social media friend group.

There was a click of a lock, and she heard a door start to open.

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