CHAPTER 15: Crystal Horizon

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Sakuna spun in the rolling chair as she waited.

Ita had brought her to a very fancy black tower on Ryoiki...they were supposedly waiting for someone.

The lab which she was in was very fancy, covered in blackened marble and a bunch of different instruments...some magical, some technological, all weird.

There was also a large map on the floor that Sakuna...just couldn't make sense of.

It was a bunch of different circles with crazy symbols inside each one.

The many crystals which hung from the open skylight above it, and different colored lights shined through them and onto different circles...illuminating the symbols.

Ita stood leaned on a counter...looking very concerned.

"He should be here soon..." They mumbled for the 5th time in the last half hour.

"Maybe he forgot?" Sakuna suggested.

"No, this is important to him as well- He wouldn't just MISS it!" Ita snapped, getting annoyed at Sakuna's reasonings...

"Well, Look, as much as I love sitting in some weirdo's lab waiting for him to show up- I'm hungry! Can we get some lunch-!"

"No! We can't leave yet-!" Ita began...but stopped when the air shifted.

Sakuna stared at the center of the room as a small glow appeared in the air...

The glow expanded and changed shape. Taking on the appearance of a cyclone of energy hovering in the air.

Out of the cyclone, a heavily armored man stepped.

His armor was made of a powerful black metal, it was trimmed and angular, with many runes and symbols which Sakuna didn't recognize.

The only feature Sakuna could make out under his helmet...was glowing red eyes.

The cyclone vanished behind him, a long black cape now being visible on his back.

"Where were you-!" Ita yelled, running over to the man.

The top of Ita's head reached his chin...while Sakuna estimated she could barely hit his chest.

"S-sorry- I got caught up in something. You know how the others are..." He said, trying to calm down the Demiurge...

Sakuna stiffened up, his voice was...smooth. But powerful, and deep.

Most frightening of echoed in her ears.

Ita let out a heavy sigh but turned to Sakuna.

"This is Omega, God of Justice."

Sakuna got off her chair and walked over to Omega.

Omega held his hand out and shook hers.

"Pardon me but- I need a moment to change." Omega said, stepping back slightly.

"Change-?" Sakuna asked, looking at Ita.

Omega released a bright glow, and his clothes morphed.

His dark armor became less angular, becoming a mix of steel and leather which was in plates instead of a full suit...

He wore a black fur cloak wrapped around his neck, which fell down to just above his stomach it was ripped and tattered, his angular helmet became more similar to a metallic mask...with a far more closed off style, and a ponytail of white hair.

On his back Sakuna noticed a large sheath, the handle poking out over his right shoulder.

He also had a pterurges made of the same black fur...

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