Gideon Coal x Tiefling Reader: Cake Chad

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Starting off strong with the one and only Gideon Coal played by the wonderful Mace.

You, (Your name), have awoken in your home, a tavern. Where? Agwé. The Rusty Barrel was your home and occupation, while you were off the clock, your best friend, (friend's name), would take over for you.

Groaning, you stood up and made your way over to your wardrobe, getting dressed for the busy day ahead, when booming laughter startles you out of your tired stupor.

"Fuck," you started to panic, "did someone break in?"

You heavily considered grabbing your club to defend yourself, but forgot that you're a magic user, so you left your bedroom quickly.

Rushing downstairs, the sight of a big, buff, fire genasi doubled over on the floor connected the dots together.

"GIDEON COAL!" you yell, startling the genasi and his companions.

The young owl bear by them, as you're familiar with her as Hootsie, approaches you and nuzzles her head into your side. You give her gentle scritches underneath her chin and gentle, calm strokes to the top of her head.

"(Y/n)! Long time no see! How's it going with ole Shmuzzy?" the short goblin, Gricko, opens the conversation, smiling at you.

You look at Gricko with disgust, a flame in your eye that tells the Tabaxi, Frost, that Shmuzzy is nothing but filth to you.

Who's Shmuzzy? Your ex friend. Son of a bitch was embezzling money from your tavern because you turned him down numerous times. You caught him when you had your back turned, and after he was done trying to manipulate and lie his way out of what you saw him do, he gave up and you dragged his sorry ass to the authorities.

"Gricko, it seems you've opened a wound that is a bit too...recent." Frost quickly addresses Gricko, who in turn makes an "oh" noise of "I fucked up."

You turn your attention back to Gideon, gently waving to the Alligator man in a purple tuxedo. You place your unoccupied hand on your hip, giving him a look.


"Gideon Coal, you and your party of sex pests come barging in here," you quickly turn to Hootsie, assuring her that she is not included in the actions of her dad and uncles, "and make so much noise that it startles me awake! I thought I was being robbed!"

"Well uh, to be fair," Frost steps in, "it was Gricko and Gideon. Kremmy, Torbek, and I had no involvement."

"Thanks for throwing me under the carriage, Frosty." Gideon gruffed before turning back to you, "(Y/n), it's fine. Everything's fine. We're here, we were away for a while. And importantly..."

Gideon stepped closer to you, his fingertips gently grazing your hips as he pulled you in, "I missed ya."

The fluttery feeling in your heart when his hands touched your hips, that was a familiar feeling that you've had before, but multiplied exponentially. It was like every time his touch met some part of your body, shivers jolted through you like some pleasurable torture.

Looking into his eyes, you could see the caring man he was. The concern and genuine remorse for frightening you. And when he looked into yours, he could see how worried you were all these years, and how scared you were just a few moments ago.

"Torbek wants to know why (Y/n)'s skin is now flushed." the Bugbear suddenly destroyed the tender moment you and Gideon were silently sharing.

Gideon ignored him, smirking down at you, "Come on, I know you missed us too. Especially me."

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