Chapter 1

86 3 50

?: Skel?

* I rumble around my bed, I was still asleep but could hear a voice screaming at me. I get up still tired and half asleep, I wash my face with water to atleast look good even tho I did'nt even change my outfit. I walked to the front door and opened it to fin-  . . . Zom, really? *

Zom: We have school today, I came to wake you up again

Skel: Than-


Skel: ALRIGHT, come in

* It feels rude to just leave Zom out there ( even tho I would have ) so I let him into my living room and gave him the remote so he can watch Hotel Transylvania 3 ( The 3rd is the best movie, noone can change my mind ). I walked to my room to put on my school outfit, we used to not have to wear uniforms but Monster School is combining with the Girls Monster school to make a Mob School. I just hope nothing bad happens- *



Kiara: BYE!

* Don't even know her problum, she always acts like this, I miss the good days when Kristen was Ciara and Kayla was Miara. Ok, dont tell her but I am glad she changed the names. I grab my bag and walk down stairs to see Zom- sleeping on my couch. We are going to be late *

Skel: WAKE UP!

* Zom jumps and falls off the couch, he gave me the death stare before getting up and looking me up and down like one of those mean girls at school *

Zom: You look great!

Skel: Thanks!


~Monster School~

Zom: This place got a glow up!

Skel: It really did

Zom: I see alot of different mobs, there are way to many for Herobrine to teach dont you think?

Skel: He must have a plan for this

* I turned to see-   Kiara? IS THERE ONE TIME I CAN GET AWAY FROM THIS WOMEN??!! *

Zom: Oh, Kiara is here!

Skel: Great . . . .

* Zom gave me a frown *

Zom: Why do you not like Kiara?

Skel: Kiara, gives me trama

Zom: She is so nice-

Skel: Dont rub it in my face

Zom: Ok, Look there is Piggy

* Piggy is a Pigman with gold eyes, he is really nice, he grew up with a child and women abuser father and a scared mother who could do nothing. He has an other brother, older sister and younger sister. *

Piggy: Hey, guys!


Skel: Random question? Do you also hate Kiara? She is not even a mob why is she a student here?

Piggy: Kiara is not a student, she is a teacher . . .

* That makes it worse . . . . I am going to fail her class to make her mad! Or maybe I will be lucky and not have her class *

Wither: Hi guys!

* I turn to see Wither, he is a Wither Skeleton ( Obviously ) he has emerald green eyes and his voice, HIS VOICE was deeper then Corpse Husband ( dont even know how ) *

~Wither x Skeleton~ ( Aire to the Throne )Where stories live. Discover now