Time to leave you suckers!

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Discription will explain a lot!!
"Ah! Get off of me! Ew ew ew ew ew ew ew!" Astar screamed so loudly, the whole school most likely heard.

"Aster, it's just a spider. Calm down." Everyone in her biology class stifled their laughter as her teacher scooped the tiny spider of her desk.

"That, was a perfect example of arachnophobia. The fear of spiders." Even the name of those horrid creatures sent shivers down Aster's spine.

"For next class, I would like you to have a lab partner so we can disect these spiders..." Aster lost interest quickly after the last part.

"Ugh please let the bell ring soon." Aster thought to herself. "I want to get out of this place and go into my tru..." Her thoughts were cut of by the loud ringing of the bell.

"Yes! Schools out! Time to leave you suckers! Hahaha!" Aster yelled pumping her fist in the air as she sprinted down the hall

"Aster! Get back here!" Her teacher called. "No running or screaming in the halls!" Of course that just made her run faster.

"Sorry!" She called back. She ran down the hallway to her locker, kicked the door of her locker open, grabbed her backpack and slid down the hand rail of the stairs. She hopped over cafeteria tables and dashed to the bus where she dropped in her usual spot, 5th seat from the back, left side. She put in her ear buds then put her music on shuffle. Then she sat there texting.

"Hey you um, you left your homework in biology when you ran out screaming like a mad woman." A voice said. Aster look away from her phone to see the most popular girl in the school, Kaitlyn Johnson. It was pretty obvious why she was so popular. She didn't need any makeup. She had blond hair that she just ran her hand through once and awhile. Her eyes were a startling shade of blue, and her lips were perfect and red, no need for lip stick. Aster studied her for a few seconds before repling.

"Thanks. I'm Aster." She stuck out her hand. Kaitlyn grabbed it and shook her hand.

"Kaitlyn." She said in return. She handed Aster her homework. "Can I sit here?"

"Of course! Are you new on the bus? I've never seen you before.

"Yeah I just moved. Maybe we have the same bus stop!"

"That be cool! And I might need to impersonate you at some point. So spill!" Aster thought.

The bus started down the road and the girls talked and found out they had the same bus stop and lived 3 houses away from each other.

"So want to be lab partners and go to my house?" Kaitlyn politely asked.

"Sure!" Aster said with mock happieness lingering in her voice. Luckely for her, Kaitlyn didn't seen to notice.

The bus stopped and the hopped out and walked to Kaitlyn's house.

"Whoa! Nice house Kaitlyn!" Aster said, failing to hid her jealousy.

"Ok. We have got to get this straight" Kaitlyn giggled, "First, just call me Katie. Second, thanks!"
Yay! First book! This whole book is dedicated to the cat clan, containing


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